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Traffic monitor

Traffic monitor is tool for traffic filtering. This tool allows to analyze traffic, browse the request data, block undesirable requests, thereby increasing speed and stability of the templates. For request filtering the action “Content policy” is using, which customizes the behaviour of traffic monitor and has three operating modes: “Without limits”, “White list”, “Black list”. Filtering lists may contain domains and regular expressions for address. Content filtering policies are separated by instances, each instance can have own policy.

Window "Traffic"

Window Traffic is intended for viewing and request analysis sended by browser or separated get and post requests. The Traffic Monitor window is enabled in the drop-down menu of Window - Traffic

Window interface is organized as table with columns: request status, request method, request address.

To the right of the table are the buttons: “Settings of content policy”, “Group by domain”, “Search bar”, “Sort by default”,“Autoscrolling”, “Clear out”.

Working with Content Policy

When you right-click on a line, in the table a context menu will open

Context menu has adding items of domains and regular expressions, composed of query addresses, into black or white list. In this case, either a black or white list can be used at the same time. Also, the context menu has items for copying the address and data of the request.

When you add data to the white list or blacklist, a Content Policy action is created, in which the current list of domains and regular expressions is generated.

The “Content Policy Settings” button, located in the right panel of the “Traffic” window, opens a form that displays the current list of domains and regular expressions.

If you apply changes to this form, the Content Policy action will also be created, or updated if it is the last created.

Besides, in the “Browser” form, a table with the current content policy has been added.

With the content policy displayed above, the transition to ya.ru will look like this:

Requests with a red cross in status have been blocked in accordance with the current content policy.

Use in C # code

The content policy can be changed via C # code. For this, the method is implemented in ZennoLab.CommandCenter.Instance:

void SetContentPolicy(string policy, IEnumerable<string> domains = null, IEnumerable<string> regexs = null)

At first, method takes parameter, which reflects the mode of operation: “DirectLoad”, “WhiteList”, “BlockList”. The following options are optional, a list of domains and a list of regular expressions.

en/traffic.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/02 11:29 by copper12