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CapMonster (11.06.2020)

[+] Data-s parameter is now supported in rucaptcha’s API and antigate’s API for solving captchas in Google Search and other services. Data-s parameter is used for rucaptcha, recaptchaDataSValue for anticaptcha.
[+] CapMonster now consumes less memory at peak loads.
[+] Improved interface response at high loads.
[+] Improved reCAPTCHA v2 token acceptability. If you used profiles, remove them and start promoting them over again.
[+] Receive app performance stats in JSON format over API. The stats report features values of all the labels from the app’s main form. Example: curl “” –data “key=sampleKey”.
[+] Added a hint for the Proxy Protocol in Sitekey Addon (it had been unclear what “automatic” stood for).

[*] Use of profiles and http captcha solving method would lead to reduced performance and clogging of log files.
[*] Memory leak, that occurred when during recaptcha recognition at peak loads, was found and fixed.
[*] Fixed a bug where some recaptchas wouldn’t be recognized if sent one after one.
[*] Fixed a bug when the full list clear function wouldn’t clear the list of actually used proxies when uploading proxies from the list.
[*] Proxy upload from a link wouldn’t work for some websites if an https link was used.
[*] Proxy upload from a file or link would ignore proxies where a host was indicated in place of an IP address.
[*] Utility processes would initialize on a secondary way rather than absolute. That would led to faulty operation thereof, if CapMonster was initialized by a script with now working directory specified.

CapMonster (25.03.2020)

[+] Updated captcha recognition module for Odnoklassniki. Added special character support.
[+] Improved error handling. If a captcha is sent to a non-existing module, CapMonster2 will return an error instead of <Empty Answer>.

[*] Fixed a bug when banned proxies wouldn’t move to a ban list.
[*] Fixed a problem when Sitekey Addon would fail in some systems.
[*] Fixed a mass error <Empty Answer> on the HttpRequest method. It is required to update the module here: Settings → Updates → Update Now.

CapMonster (19.03.2020)

[+] Now a user can choose different proxies for solving reCaptchas v2 and v3. It’s critical that quality—better yet resident IPS—are used for solving ReCaptchas v3.
[+] New procedure of obtaining a proxy from the source in CapMonster to extend the proxy lifetime. Now only less used proxies are used for solving proxies.
[+] Reduced space occupied by ReCaptcha profiles.
[+] Added a feature of automated archiving of ReCaptcha profiles (can reduce space occupation by up to 3 times).
[+] Improved proxy format validation algorithm.
[+] If the program cannot access system performance meters, it will try to restore automatically. If restoration fails, the program will still launch but the meters will be unavailable.

[*] Fixed a bug when a reCaptcha wouldn’t be solved after a service reboot.
[*] Fixed a problem with setting up a proxy for an instance, if that instance solves more than 1 task, profiles are disabled, and the higher CapMonster list proxy priority box is flagged.
[*] Fixed a bug with the HttpRequest method when the first captcha (one per CapMonster session) was solved without a proxy.
[*] Fixed functioning with the FireFox method when solving a ReCaptcha.
[*] Fixed a problem when SiteKey Addon would get disabled in some systems.
[*] Fixed an error message about the finished 86,400 days of the Trial version.
[*] Improved integration with third-party software for solving ReCaptchas v3.

CapMonster (13.12.2019)

[+] An opportunity to save profiles from reCAPTCHA via the Chrome engine was added. If a reCAPTCHA was solved successfully, then the profile is saved for further use. This decreases the possibility of getting banned and increases acceptability of tokens. The profiles are mutual for versions 2 and 3, a profile, which has worked on solving reCAPTHA 2 for several days, gives more high quality tokens for reCAPTCHA 3.
[+] reCAPTCHA CPU consumption via the Chrome engine was optimized.
[+] Improved the acceptability of reCAPTCHA tokens.
[+] Anti-Сaptcha protocol support was added for solving reCAPTCHA 3.
[+] The amount of captchas being solved at the moment is now displayed.
[+] A method for receiving information about the CapMonster load
was added. The result is returned in the following JSON format:
{“CpuLoad”:3, “RemoteRunningSlots”:0, “RemoteTotalSlots”:80, “Rc2TasksWaitingInQueue”:0, “Rc2InstancesRunning”:0, “Rc2InstancesWithTask”:0} If protection is enabled, it is necessary to pass a key getcmstatus?key=blablabla

CapMonster (19.11.2019)

[+] Updated the Chrome engine to the lastest version, which resulted in better acceptability of ReCaptcha2 tokens.
[+] Redesigned the proxy ban system: if a proxy is banned, it is not for a long time, several minutes later CapMonster will try to solve the ReCapthcha via the same proxy, but with different parameters.

CapMonster (12.11.2019)

[+] Improved antiban for Recaptcha2.
[+] New images: trees, trains and flowers are now supported in ReCaptcha module.
[+] Increased success rate for solving 2word Yandex captcha.

[*] Errors Sorry and Wrong ID when solving yandex captcha from ZennoPoster have been fixed.
[*] Bug not moving proxies to banned list has been fixed in ReCaptcha sitekey addon.

CapMonster (22.10.2019)

Improved recognition modules:
[*] Improved solving of Yandex two-word captchas.
[*] Improved solving of Mailru captchas.

CapMonster (04.09.2019)

[+] Added: recognizing captchas with different-case letters. For that, specify the respective casesensitive value in the request.
[+] Added: recognizing captchas only containing digits. For that, specify the respective numeric value in the request.
[+] Enhanced: acceptance of ReCaptcha tokens for ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon.
[+] If the CPU or RAM capacity is insufficient to process the input load, you will see a message.

Improved recognition modules:
[*] universal (only digital captchas) — 83%.
[*] universal (different-case captchas supported) — 42%.
[*] facebook — 64%.
[*] 3D captcha — 90%.

[*] Fixed: proxies added to the general blocked proxy list from the list, and then returned to the general list.
[*] Fixed: diagnostics button wasn’t displayed correctly.
[*] Fixed: ReCaptcha3 wouldn’t be solved due to broken slashes.
[*] Fixed: failure of sitekey addon with security enabled.
[*] Fixed: incomplete entries were added sometimes during emulation.

CapMonster (29.04.2019)

[+] Optimized memory usage.
[+] Reduced traffic on our servers.
[+] Optimized CPU usage when using ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon with HttpRequest method.
[+] Improved error processing in case of unstable operation.
[+] Minor installer enhancements for handling extraordinary situations.
[+] Added CheapCaptcha service emulation.

[*] Fixed issues solving captchas via user modules.
[*] Stop button now allows to stop all solving captcha tasks.

CapMonster (13.03.2019)

[+] CapMonster now accepts complaints to usual captchas.
[+] CapMonster now accepts complaints to recaptcha tokens.
[+] The option to reset settings in ReCaptchaSitekeyAddon to default.
[+] Captcha images saving feature has been updated. Now it is sorted to successfully recognized and failed according to your complaints. This will allows us to train modules better.

[*] RuCaptcha/2captcha acceptance has been corrected.
[*] Issues solving YandexNew captcha (with 2 words) have been solved.

CapMonster (22.02.2019)

[*] Fixed bug disconnected ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon on lagging Internet.

CapMonster (20.02.2019)

[+] Updated ReCaptcha2 solving module.
[+] Improved third-party software requests interception.
[+] Enhanced usability.

[*] Few bugs in UI.

CapMonster (28.12.2018)

[+] Browser profiles from ZennoPoster can be used now for solving ReCaptcha 2. It' allows to recognize the captcha with higher success rate, as in browser profiles you can gain real user history of visiting different websites and catch good google cookies. The folder with profiles can be specified in addon settings.
[+] Program stability at network errors has been improved.
[+] Additional parameters are now supported in Anti-Captcha API 2.0 request.
[+] Minor UI enhancements.

[*] Errors when recognizing at high workload have been fixed.
[*] Issues solving ReCaptcha v3 on several websites.
[*] HttpRequest method for solving ReCaptcha has been optimized allowing to slightly increase success rate.
[*] Issues integrating CapMonster with some third-party software have been solved.

CapMonster (18.12.2018)

[+] ReCaptcha v3 solving by rucaptcha.com/2captcha.com API.
[+] luminati.io proxies are now supported.
[+] Options for switching log “Turn on\off auto-scroll\Clear up log”.

[*] DeathByCaptcha service emulation has been corrected (balance value didn't return).
[*] Errors Empty answer or Anwser not received on yandex captchas have been fixed.
[*] Issues intercepting captchas from few third-party programs have been fixed.
[*] Few bugs in UI have been fixed.

CapMonster (24.10.2018)

[+] Recognizing time optimization on good IP's has been performed in ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddonChrome.
[+] CPU and memory usage in ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddonChrome has been reduced.
[+] Interception from third-party programs has been improved (added interception by https).
[+] Checking for proper proxy address format has been added.

[*] Operation stability at high workload has been improved.

CapMonster (15.10.2018)

[+] Support of anticaptcha api v2 protocol.
[+] Support of HTTPS protocol emulation.
[+] Internal optimizations.

[*] Statistics will stay in place after reinstall.
[*] Fixed API call for non existing task. Now it returns ERROR_WRONG_CAPTCHA_ID instead of CAPCHA_NOT_READY.

CapMonster (11.9.2018)

New ReCaptcha2 tasks:
[+] Buses 4×4
[+] Traffclights 4×4
[+] Crosswalks 4×4
[+] Hydrands 4×4
[+] Vehicles 3х3

CapMonster (7.9.2018)

[+] Improved ReCaptcha2 answer accepting in ReCaptcha2SiteKeyAddon.
[+] Option to specify proxy type (mobile or desktop). Depending on proxy, the program selects matching browser parameters for better results when solving ReCaptcha2.
[+] Chrome engine updated to 68 version in ReCaptcha2SiteKeyAddon.
[+] Method of solving via Chrome now works on all Windows OS versions that support .NET FrameWork 4.5.2.
[+] Features for improving captcha interception from third-party software.

[*] Issues intercepting captchas from third-party programs have been solved. If captchas are not intercepted, you can now run diagnostic and send us resulted report.zip, so that we could solve the issue.
[*] The way of loading proxies from links in ReCaptcha2SiteKeyAddon have been optimized. CapMonster2 continues attempts to load proxies, even if links are not appeared yet, till they become available.

CapMonster (6.8.2018)

[+] Special work-mode for avoiding proxy ban when solving recaptcha via ReCaptchaSitekeyAddon.
[+] Recovered httprequestmethod for solving ReCaptchasSitekeyAddon.
[+] Option to select proxy protocol in ReCaptchaAddonSettings when loading proxy from link.
[+] Implemented Chrome 32-bit into ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon.
[+] The option to ignore proxy in request and use proxy from CapMonster list has been added to ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon settings. It will allow to rise up accepting rate for recaptcha answers due to selecting better proxy.

[*] Error “Platform not supported” when starting CapMonster service has been fixed.
[*] Issue parsing image in 64base request has been solved.
[*] “Task not defined” error when sending recaptcha 2 via old browser method has been solved.

CapMonster (20.6.2018)

[+] ReCaptcha2 solving without browser.
[+] ReCaptcha2 tasks on all languages.
[+] Enhanced interception from other software.

[*] Issue intercepting captchas from SEO autopilot program have been solved.
[*] Issue intercepting captchas from RankTracker program have been solved.

CapMonster (27.4.2018)

[+] Program performance when recognizing captchas on remote modules has been accelerated.
[+] Proxy auto-controlling system have been implemented for ReCaptcha2 addon allowing to:

  1. load proxy from different sources: files, urls, lists;
  2. automatically add proxy to black list.

[+] Special options to control available resources when running RC2instance and RC2InstanceChrome has been added allowing to improve ReCaptcha2 addon stability and performance.

[*] Bug solving recaptcha2 on IPV6 proxies in RC2InstanceChrome has been fixed.

CapMonster (10.4.2018)

[+] Improved recognizing of first tasks in dynamic recaptchas in ReCaptcha2SiteKeyAddon.
[+] Socks5 proxy with authorization are now supported by Сhrome engine in ReCaptcha2SiteKeyAddon.
[+] Recognizing captchas by local modules has been accelerated.
[+] Threads statistic has been corrected.

[*] The error ERROR_RECAPTCHA_INVALID_DOMAIN when solving RC2 has been fixed.
[*] The count Captcha/per minute on program workload graphic has been corrected.

CapMonster (26.3.2018)

[+] New Chrome 65 engine has been implemented for recognizing ReCaptcha2.
[+] ReCaptcha2 statistic has been improved.
[+] Traffic consumption has been optimized for all captcha types.

[*] Bug receiving wrong task from ReCaptcha2 has been fixed.

CapMonster (9.2.2018)

[+] Intelligence system that automatically identifies incorrectly recognized captchas and uses them for captcha module self-training has been implemented. This allows to increase recognition success rate for already existing captcha modules.
[+] ReCaptcha Sitekey interception from DeathByCaptcha implemented.
[+] ReCaptcha Sitekey interception from ImageTyperz implemented.
[+] Extended logging system, which allows quickly identify possible problems when recognizing captchas. .
[+] Reduced network workload.
[+] Few UI improvements.

[*] Bug CapMonster service stucks accidentally has been fixed.
[*] Issue when hard drive is becoming full with RCInstance profiles has been solved.

CapMonster (12.12.2017)

[+] ReCaptcha2 recognition has been accelerated as well as delays have been reduced.
[+] Recognition of other captcha types has been accelerated and delays have been reduced.
[+] ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon has been optinized. Now It has unsuspitions configuration for ReCaptcha2 and solves tasks faster.
[+] New option to limit maximum memory usage for ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon has been added, .

[*] The issue with ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon processing not full url address in captcha request has been solved.
[*] Problem in ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon recognizing captcha on domains with non-latin symbols.
[*] Fixed issue with requesting balance from remote server.

CapMonster (21.11.2017)

[+] CPU usage has been optimized in RC2Addon.

[*] Freezing problem at 100% CPU usage in main CapMonster application has been solved.

CapMonster (17.11.2017)

[+] Recaptcha2 recognizing has been accelerated.
[+] ReCaptcha2 sitekey addon has been optimized and now consumes less resources.
[+] One-thread picture sending in dynamical recaptcha2 has been implemented in order to speed up recognizing.
[+] Proxy list option has been added to program settings allowing to set proxies for ReCaptcha2 sitekey addon.
[+] ReCaptcha2 is now supported on polish, frensh and german languages.
[+] Recognition of other captcha types has been improved.

[*] Issues recognizing ReCaptcha2 on certain websites have been solved.

CapMonster (19.10.2017)

[+] ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon is now being updated in usual way as the rest modules.
[+] POST-requests with ReCaptcha2 sitekey to rucaptcha/2captcha services are now supported.

[*] ReCaptchaSiteKeyAddon now uses proxy properly.
[*] Bug with recognition via sitekey on ports other than 80 has been fixed.

CapMonster (16.10.2017)

[+] ReCaptcha 2 Sitekey addon has been added for recognizing recaptcha using sitekay method. More details in help article.

CapMonster (06.10.2017)

[+] Universal module for all captcha types
[+] Twice-accelerated recognition of two-word yandex captcha.
[+] Twice-accelerated recognition of ReCaptcha1 captcha.
[+] Recaptcha2 is now supported in polish, french and german languages

CapMonster (21.09.2017)

[+] Module for new yandex captcha has been updated.

CapMonster (23.8.2017)

[+] New captchas from Yandex are now supported.
[+] CPU and Memory usage has been optimized.

[*] Unbalanced threads loading bugs have been fixed.

CapMonster (10.8.2017)

[+] New feature to save captcha images, which sent to CapMonster, has been added.

[*] Bugs with threads and remote processing modules have been fixed.

CapMonster (09.8.2017)

[+] Program performance and stability has been enhanced
[+] Network connection processing has been optimized

[+] Hotmail 70%
[+] SolveMedia 61%

[*] Problem of program stuck when the number of threads is exceeded has been fixed

CapMonster (20.7.2017)

[+] Recognition rate for several most popular captchas have been increased.
[+] Success rate and processing speed have been increased.
[+] Software performance has been significntly inproved.
[+]Compute resources and memory usage has been optimized.
[+]Captcha iidentifying accuracy has been improved.

[+] ReCaptcha2 - (before 55%, now 80%, new images types: “cars”,“roads”, “storefornts”,“street signs”
[+] ReCaptcha Api v1(Street signs) - 60%
[+] Yandex Old(Digits, English and Russian Words) - 85%(before 80%, 48% and 66% accordingly)
[+] Yandex New - 88%
[+] VK(English and Russian) - 81% (before 45% for English version)
[+] Google(Digits, Words) - 58% ( before 54% and 20% accordingly)
[+] BotDetect - 95% (before 73%)

CapMonster 2 (12.5.2017)

[+] Program stability has been improved.
[+] Problem diagnostic tools have been extended.
[+] CPU usage has been optimized.

CapMonster (19.4.2017)

[+] Recogntion rate has beeen increased for the following modules:
Drupal 56%
GoogleWords 20%
KCaptcha New 74%
KCaptchaOld 79%
MailRu 92%
mailru2016 64%
mailruanonimizer 92%
mailrumobile 95%
VK 45%
Yandex Digits 80%
GoogleDigits 54%
Avito 70%
BotDetect 73%
[+] ReCaptcha2 module is now able to work at high CPU usage.
[+] New neural net configurations have beeen added allowing to train modules with higher success rate.
[+] Additional parameters for intercepting captchas from captcha-services, such as regsense, numeric, calc, min_len, max_len, is_russian, have been added. Description of these parameters can be found in Antigate API documentation - https://anti-captcha.com/apidoc
[+] Now CapMonster has calculation function:) New option “Math operation” has been added to module recognition settings in Module Creation Studio.
[+] Diagnostic tools have been improved.

[*] Bug running imacros form from anti-captcha.com/imacros.html has been fixed.
[*] Bug renaming captcha in CapMonster MCS when first captcha on gallery page is also chanched has been fixed.
[*] The problem of blinking controls when displaying filter settings has been solved.

CapMonster (29.03.2017)

[+] Module for recognizing ReCaptcha2 pictures with rivers has been added.
[+] Diagnostic tools have been improved in CM application.
[+] New option “Do not use addon programs for recognition”. This option will be useful if you have problems with CMConnector.

[*] Freezing problems when recognizing audio captchas have been solved.
[*] The message that Skype does not allow to start CM service is now showed properly.

CapMonster (22.3.2017)

[+] Module for ReCaptcha2 has been updated. Now it works faster and more efficiently. Updated snippet is here: http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:rc2
[+] Space required to store modules has been reduced.
[+] System requirements have been updated. Now CapMonster reqiures minimal Net.framework version 4.5.2 for work. This allows to improve the program, but Windows XP won't be supported.

CapMonster (15.03.2017)

[+] Great news! We have improved module for ReCaptcha2 ! It now allows to recognize house numbers, mountains, storefronts and street signs. Recognition rate - 55%
Updated snippet for ReCaptcha2 can be found here. Note that snippet executes until captcha will be recognized finally (number of recognition attempts may be limited manually in snippent), so that Google won't identify you as a bot.
[+] Pause during module training has been added. This allows to pause training, if you require CPU resources. and resume it later.
[+] Checking for corrupted audio file has been added for working with audio catpcha.

[*] The problem not saving statistics after incorrect program closing has been solved.
[*] The bug dispaying previous symbol instead of new one when collecting symbols in CapMonster MCS has been fixed.
[*] The problem displaying incorrect module saving message has been solved.
[*] The bug with not worked captcha sorting by correct answer in CapMonster MCS has been fixed.
[*] Issues with graphics displaying have been fixed.
[*] The issue appying answer length limitation even when it is disabled has been solved.

CapMonster (27.01.2017)

[+] DevExpress components have been updated. UI should become more responsive.

[*] The problem installing CapMonster to different account with ZennoPoster has been solved.
[*] The bug with CMConnector download displaying has been fixed.
[*] Updating procedure from old version to the latest one has been corrected. CMConnector and user modules are now copied properly.

CapMonster (20.01.2017)

New modules:
[+] Module Vkontakte 33 %
[+] Module Ucoz 37%
[+] Module Yandex Digits 66%
[+] Module OK(odnoklassniki) 90%
[+] Module MailRu Mobile 72%
[+] Module MailRu Mobile Small 66%
[+] Module MailRu Anonymizer 68%
[+] Module MailRuBig 89%

[+] Program stability has been improved.
[+] Recognition quality has been increased.
[+] Audio captchas support in operating system has been optimized.

[*] The bug crashing CapMonster on latest Windows 10 upgrade has been fixed.
[*] The bug with different recognition percent during training and testing module has been solved.
[*] The bug maximizing CapMonster2 window from tray after right clicking it and pressing “Hide” has been fixed.

CapMonster (16.06.2016)

[+] ReCaptchaAssociations 80%
[+] Ebay 88%
[+] Updated Google Digits 41%

New CM
[+] The option to set permissions for certain users to use a module has been added.
[+] Text recaptcha with associations is now supported and can be recognized with the software (please update snippet).

Bug fixes
[*] Issues using web-forms (antigate.com/imacros.html, rucaptcha.com/imacros.html, etc.) when working in browser from proxy have been solved.
[*] The bug of crashing component for displaying images during Module test in CapMonster MCS and in CapMonster log has been fixed.

CapMonster (04.05.2016)

[+] Bitrix1 91%
[+] Bitrix2 99%
[+] Bitrix3 99%
[+] ArticleMS2 68%
[+] ClubFoto 100%
[+] Numeral11 98%
[+] LiveInternetRus 61%
[+] ExBB 46%
[+] FluxBB 99%

New CM
[+] Recognition speed on CPU and GPU when working in parallel mode has been increased.
[+] Emulation of the following web-forms has been added:


[+] “Task” field has been added to all Imacros web-forms.

Bug fixes
[*] CapMonster service issues when working with web-forms antigate.com/imacros.html and rucaptcha.com/imacros.html in Firefox and Internet Explorer have been solved.
[*] Few memory leak bugs have been fixed.
[*] New notifications have been added. If technical errors occur during CapMonster service operation (for example: Task_Not_Decode), the program will send a response that captcha could not be recognized according to rules of emulated service.
[*] Few CapMonster service error when intercepting requests have been fixed.

CapMonster (14.03.2016)

[+] Module for Hotmail captcha has been updated.

New CM
[+] The option “Receive answer with delay, if captcha is not ready yet” has been added according to API antigate implementation. By default, this option is enabled to achive better compliance with third-party software. In high-load systems (with dozens or hundreds threads) disabling this parameter may reduce recognition speed for graphical captchas.

Bug fixes
[*] The bug when some modules were missing, when updating software version from to higher, has been fixed.
[*] The error “install.res????…”, which occured during installation on some systems, has been fixed.

CapMonster (14.03.2016)

[+] ZennoLab.MailRu2016 52%
[+] ZennoLab.ReCaptchaHouseNumbers 10-20%
[+] ZennoLab.Affordahost 100%
[+] ZennoLab.Axmag 100%
[+] ZennoLab.ElecDir 100%
[+] ZennoLab.Icegate 96%
[+] ZennoLab.Mamega 100%
[+] ZennoLab.Pof 95%
[+] ZennoLab.SearchCom 100%
[+] ZennoLab.TelekomDe 100%
[+] ZennoLab.TheOriginalCrimeClub 100%
[+] ZennoLab.PhpRu 64%
[+] ZennoLab.Omegacat 65%
[+] ZennoLab.LiveJournal 92%
[+] ZennoLab.Sxnarod 100%

New CM
[+] Captchas recognition speed has been increased.

[+] The filter ColorFiltering has been modified allowing to pass or cut off colors by range and replace colors.
[+] New tools have been added to Filter - “Dropper” and “Color box”

Bug fixes
[*] Critial error in MCS when training modules with large number of captchas has been solved.
[*] Update modules function has been corrected.
[*] The bug of disappearing user modules, added earlier, has been fixed.
[*] The bug recognizing audio captchas from third-party applications has been fixed.

CapMonster (25.01.2016)

[+] ReCaptcha2 module has been updated.

New CM
[+] Emulation of web-forms antigate.com/imacros.html and rucaptcha.com/imacros.html has been added.
[+] Memory usage has been significantly reduced.
[+] New setting “Use adaptive system for adjustung parallelism degree” has been added. This system allows to optimize resources usage by the program. This parameter is enabled by default.
[+] New setting “Parallelism degree” which allows to control resources usage while recognizing captcha in parallel mode.
[+] Work process has been optimized and stability has been improved.
[+] CapMonster service operation via CapMonster2.dll has been sped up.
[+] The option to go to certain page has been added to all captcha galleries.
[+] The feature to automatically search and remove image dublicates has been added.

Bug fixes
[*] Few bugs in CapMonster MCS has been fixed.
[*] The bug displaying recognition result at certain point has been fixed in “Mass Centers” section of CapMonster MCS.
[*] Interface freezing problem when launching CapMonster has been solved.

CapMonster (29.12.2015)

[+] AudioSolveMedia 50-100%. More info read here: SolveMedia Audio
[+] RamblerRus 60%
[+] OxwallGrey 54%

New CM
[+] Memory usage has been optimized.

[+] The filters Crop, CropBorders, FixedSize, Scaling in “Filters” section are not applied to symbols by default.
[+] New parameters Minimum and Maximum answer length have been added allowing to adjust answer from module in accordance with specified settings. Thus, recognition rate can be increased on 5-15%.

Bug fixes
[*] The bug using exported modules has been fixed.

CapMonster (09.12.2015)

​ [+] KCaptchaNew Small 66%
​ [+] KCaptchaOld Small 50%
​ [+] WordPress (Classic New) Small 52%
​ [+] Wordpress (Peters Anti Spam) NoLogo 58%
​ [+] Sosblogs 99%

New CM
​ [+] New option “Do not recognize captchas with complaints again” has been added to program settings in order to prevent looping the same captcha when working with some programs.
​ [+] Program now automatically detects audio codecs on Windows Server 2008, 2012 required to recognize audio captcha and installs them if necessary.
​ [+] Recognition on GPU has been optimized, issues processing captchas on old Nvidia adapters have been fixed.
​ [+] Program stability has been increased, working process has been optimized.
​ [+] 2Captcha service is now supported. CapMonster can intersept requests to this service.
​ [+] API AntiGate(AntiCaptcha) is now supported for processing ReCaptcha2. This API can be used to recognize ReCaptcha2 by CapMonster.
​ [+] ReCaptcha2 recognizing error messages have been added to log.

​ [+] Matching case option now works for words in dictionary base when using the dictionary.
​ [+] The function “100% recognizing” has been added for recognizing captchas from collection for testing via recognition services.

Bug fixes
​ [*] Few crashing and freezing bugs at module training stage have been fixed.
​ [*] Errors processing requests from GSA search engine ranker through services CaptchaBot, ByPassCaptcha, DeathByCaptcha, DeCaptcha have been fixed.
​ [*] Errors processing requests to AntiGate(AntiCaptcha), ByPassCaptcha, RipCaptcha, RuCaptcha have been fixed.
​ [*] Freezing bug when recognizing Yandex, Google captchas has been fixed.
​ [*] The error recognizing AudioReCaptcha containing 10 numbers has been fixed.
​ [*] The bug with Closing filter when editing filters list has been fixed.
​ [*] Few errors at CapMonster auto-restart have been fixed.
​ [*] The error intercepting fequests from Key Collector software has been fixed.

CapMonster (16.10.2015)

​ [+] MailRuMobile 68%
​ [+] AudioReCaptcha 100%
​ [+] FunCaptcha 100%
​ [+] WordPress (Sabre) 38%
​ [+] WordPress (Peters Anti Spam) 65%

New CM
[+] CapMonster operation with enabled parallel mode for all modules has been optimized.

Bug fixes
[*] Errors processing additional parameters for BypassCaptcha service have been fixed.
[*] The bug with incorrect interface fields view in CapMonster MCS has been fixed.

CapMonster (05.10.2015)

New CM
[+] The settings “Recognize captcha for all modules in parallel mode” has been added, allowing to enable parallel recognition mode for all modules. Similar to “ParallelMode=True” option added in, it allows modules to use all CPU cores for one-type captcha , boosting recognition speed by consuming more resources.

[+] The option “Enable complex analisys” has been added to dictionary. It allows to detect words in output phrase and correct mistakes.

Bug fixes
[*] Stability of software operation when using large number of threads has been improved.

CapMonster (02.10.2015)

Bug fixes
[*] Stability of ZennoLab.ReChaptcha2 module operation has been improved.

CapMonster (30.09.2015)

​ [+] ReCaptcha2 module operation stability has been improved on multu-core processors.

New CM
​ [+] Processing ParallelMode parameter from captcha services has been added (ParallelMode=True or ParallelMode=False). It allows significantly speed up recognition process by increasing CPU usage.

Bug fixes
​ [*] Few interface bugs have been fixed in CapMonster MCS.
​ [*] Memory leaks bugs when using CapMonster for a long time have been fixed.
​ [*] The problem of freezing project while executing in ZennoPoster,​ when using CapMonster2.dll,​ and CapMonster returns empty answer (Answer is empty), although the option “Send catpcha to service if not recognized” is enabled, has been solved.

To work with ReCaptcha2, you should download updated CMconnector.exe file

CapMonster (17.09.2015)

[+] New module ZennoLab.Reddit 74% has been added.
[+] New module ZennoLab.Yahoo 24% has been added.
[+] Module ZennoLab.Rambler has been updated. Cyrillic characters are now supported.

New CM
[+] Searching for processes that do not allow to run CapMonster service has been improved.
[+] Program performance has been sped up (approximately by 10%).
[+] ReCaptcha2 recognition speed on multi-core systems has been significantly increased - all CPU resources are now used.

CapMonster (11.09.2015)

New CM
[+] Protection settings have been added to the program. Using it you can enable access to CapMonster by key or login&password, that should be set in program settings. Specifed keys and login&paswword are different from authorization data in captcha services and can be set randomly.
[+] BypassCaptcha service has beem added.

[+] Additonal parameter “First line search type” for multi-line captcha has been added to advanced training settings and module test settings.

Bug fixes
[*] CapMonster crash bugs while training module using dictionary have been fixed.
[*] CapMonster MCS freezing bug when stopping module training at testing stage has been fixed.
[*] Several issues working with ReCaptcha2 module have been fixed.

To work with ReCaptcha2, you should download updated CMconnector.exe file

CapMonster (19.08.2015)

[+] New module for ReCaptcha2 has been added. Recognition rate 25-48% on reliable proxies (depending on recognition algorithm). Find more details here.
[+] New module for KeyCaptcha has been added (works only with ZennoPoster 5.9+). Recognition rate higher than 70%. Find more details here.
[+] Module for standart ReCaptcha has been corrected. It now recognizes both words. Recognition rate id about 33%.
[+] Module Microsoft (Bing, Hotmail, etc) has been corrected after captcha update. Recognition rate for new captcha 77%
[+] Additional analization system has beeen added to modules for Yandex and Google captchas - it separates digit and alphabetic captchas.

New CM
[+] New option to set acceptable image sizes for captcha has been added to modules setting available in context menu. This is useful if you have captcha similar to captcha recognized in certain module, but it cannot be detected by this module becuase of different image size.
[+] The same setting can be applied for all users centrally by us.
[+] Emulation of DeathByCaptcha service has been implemented.
[+] Info about captcha type - simple or complicated is now displayed in module description. This allows to find out is there limitation for threads for recognizing this captcha.
[+] The option to enable detailed log for developers has been added to program settings. This makes easier error detecting on user computer.

[+] New setting “Process answer case” has been added to advanced training settings. If “Match case” option is not enabled, this setting will process all characters to lower or upper case.
[+] New parameter “Space between words” has been added to module training and test advanced settings.
[+] New settings “Multi-line captcha” and “Min space between lines” have been added to training advanced settings form and test settings form.
[+] “Ruler” operation has been changed in “Mass center” stage. Now distance is calculated basing on two coordinates (previously only on X), i.e. distance on plane.
[+] The option to use dictionary for correcting module answer has been added, i.e. if answer to captcha must be some word or phrase, this will change module answer to similar word or phrase. The dictionary can be enabled in advanced training settings and module testing settings.
[+] Auto-filling dictionary feature has been implemented allowing add words into the dictionary and phrases from previously recognized captchas.
[+] Filtering the dictionary by already recognized captcha option at dictionary creation has been added. It allows to sort words by frequency of meetings in answers, add those that were met several times and not to add the words that have been mistakenly entered by service workers - so called manual recognition errors (in fact, unnecessary garbage).
[+] Warning about incorrect parameter “Match case of symbols” while collecting symbols has been added. It is activated before training start.

Bug fixes
[*] The bug processing requests from services with some service settings are empty have been fixed.
[*] The bug when temporary directory deletion caused module saving at opening the same project in different MCS instances.

CapMonster (26.06.2015)

[+] FaceBook 53%
[+] GoogleWords 10%
[+] pastebin 91%
[+] sitecrack 82%
[+] vBulletin 33%
[+] Yandex Digits 61% (improved)
[+] Yandex Rus 64% (improved)
[+] Avito 65% (recovered)
[+] Rambler 53% (recovered)

New CM
[+] The option to use GPU (Nvidia adapters) for processing captchas has been added in beta mode. It allows to save 30-50% CPU resources. Recognition on powerful video adapters is significantly faster compared to CPU.
[+] Captcha queue length parameter has been added.
[+] Captcha waiting timeout has been added.
[+] Captcha priority parameter has been added.
[+] The settings “Disable windows error reporting” has been added to software installer and software itself.
[+] New recognition services RuoKuaiCaptcha, ImageTyperzCaptcha and JsdatiCaptcha have been added.
[+] Recognition on CPU speed has been increased.

[+] Autoselection of “Distance between symbols” parameter has been added.
[+] Autoselection of “Recognition threshold” parameter has been added.
[+] Special filters have been added: horisontal aligment for rotated text and background removal for VBuletin module.
[+] The option to use GPU for text recognition has been added.
[+] New filters:
–Auto contrast
–Gaussian blur with blur level adjustment
Objects removal
–Resize now allows to adjust length and width
[+] Additional settings for module training have been added.

Bug fixes
[*] Program stability has been improved (crash when working more than 20 minutes has been fixed).
[*] Several memory leaks bugs have been fixed.
[*] Saving settings at program crash has been fixed.
[*] The bug with disabled modules used for recognition has been fixed.
[*] The bug when recognizing captcha via CaptchaBot.dll in more than 10 threads has been fixed.
[*] Some errors that occures because of disconnection while working with CapMonster service have been fixed.
[*] The bug receiving empty answer after working some time when one module for recognizing all captchas used has been fixed.

CapMonster (24.04.2015)

[+] Aol 52%
[+] PHPMotion 92%
[+] MyBB 39%
[+] SFM 70%
[+] SFM Square 40%
[+] WordPress (Classic New) 65%
[+] WordPress (Classic Red) 93%
[*] Rambler has been improved to 50%

New CM
[+] The option “Disable module” has been added allowing to disable certain module from recognition process.
[+] Programs send captchas to antigate service using base64 method
[+] CPU usage has been optimized.

[+]Settings for recogition services (key, login, password, etc.) now can be changed without program restart.

Bug fixes
[*] The bugs processing requests sent to antigate have been fixed.
[*] Stability has been improved.

CapMonster (03.04.2015)

Bug fixes
[*] Recognition time calculation has been corrected.
[*] The bug with recognition when selecting certain module to recognize all captchas has been fixed.
[*] Error when saving/loading settings for emulation of online recognition services.

CapMonster (31.03.2015)

New Modules
[+] ArticleMS 83%
[+] BotDetect 46%
[+] MailRu 64%
[+] PHP Link Directory 95%
[+] Rambler 79%
[+] RecaptchaMiddleFeb15 55%

New CM
[+] Auto-update and loading new modules from ZennoLab server have been added.
[+] Operation of captcha type detecting system has been significantly improved.
[+] Policy of CapMonster service running has been changed allowing to run it without conflicts with such applications as Apache, IIS, MSSQL Server reporting services, Skype, etc.
[+] IP and Port settings have been added, ip-адрес can be selected from list of available or set automatically.
[+] CapMonster now can process balance requests to recognition services and emulate some little balance even if authorization data are not correct.
[+] Processing of requests to services conserning incorrectly solved captchas has been added.
[+] Memory usage by CapMonster service has been reduced.
[+] ZennoPoster requests processing has been implemented via CapMonster2.dll.
[+] RuCaptcha.com service emulation has been added to CapMonster.

[+] The option to remove images from the gallery by clicking Clear button has been added.
[+] The feature “Remove captcha images by symbol” has been added allowing to remove all captcha images containing specified symbol.
[+] The feature “Delete symbol” has been added, which allows to delete specified symbol from captchas text in selected collections.
[+] The feature “Replace symbol” has been added allowing to replace specified symbol from captchas text with another in selected collections.
[+] Font and color settings for captcha text view in galleries have been added.
[+] The filter FixedSize (“Geometry” section) has been added allowing to set the same fixed size for all processed images. [+] The filter RemoveBlobs (section “Removing objects”) has been added allowing to remove blobs from images. [+] The filter RemoveDots (section “Removing objects”) has been added allowing to remove dots from images. [+] Recognition through RuCaptcha.com service has been added.

NOTE! Modules created with previous version of CapMonster should be re-exported from projects in current version for correct work. CapMonster MCS supports projects from all previous version.

Bug fixes
[*] Few bugs with symbols distortion have been fixed.
[*] Errors processing mass centers and receiving symbols from image for training have been fixed.
[*] Bugs with hotkeys operation in captcha image galleries have been fixed.
[*] The bug with captcha text change in collection for testing have been fixed.
[*] Bugs recognizing transparent captchas have been fixed.

CapMonster (19.01.2015)

Bug fixes
[*] The bug of exporting module for CapMonster2 from CapMonster MCS has been fixed.
[*] The problem of hanging/crashing when running modules in multi-threaded mode has been solved.
[*] The problem of CapMonster 2 emergency restart at Internet disconnetion has been solved. The program waits connection for some time, and after that restarts.

CapMonster (16.01.2015)

[+] New recognition module Avito 35% for Avito captcha has been added.
[+] New recognition module Bing 37% for Bing captcha has been added.
[+] Recognition rate of module VKontakte captcha has been increased from 16 → 22%.
[+] Stability of recognition module for Yandex captcha with russian words has been improved, but with a little decreased recognition rate.
[+] Recognition rate of module KCaptcha New has been increased from 43 → 53%.

[+] CapMonster MCS project is now saved as single file (.cm2). Old projects (.cmp) can be loaded and saved in new format.
[+] Emulation of RipCaptcha.com service has been added.
[+] Switching of pages in image galleries now can be performed using keyboard buttons (Left, Ctrl + Left, Right, Ctrl + Right).
[+] Special filter YandexLogoCutter which allows to cut logo from Yandex captcha has been added.
[+] The feature of symbols multiplication by distorting collected symbols in CapMonster MCS project.
[+] Emergency restart option in case of CapMonster crash has been added.
[+] The option to test module in CapMonster MCS on external images directory has been added.
[+] The option to specify captcha type when saving module in CapMonster MCS has been added.
[+] The setting to autorun CapMonster service at application startup has been added.
[+] CapMonster is now can be integrated with A-Parser.
[+] Minor changes in CapMonster logs interface. ZennoLab modules(now without the prefix ZennoLab) are highlighted with blue and custom with green color in the logs.
[+] The option to set one module to recognize all incoming captchas has been added. But, if captchas is sent with the parameter CapMonsterModule = “Name” in request, the program will use module with this name for recognizing.

Bug Fixes
[*] Memory leak bug during module training in CapMonster MCS has been fixed.
[*] The project is now automatically saved before training.
[*] Errors emultating Anti-Captcha service have been fixed.
[*] Few bugs displaying images uploaded into the galleries have been fixed.

en/capmonster/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/17 07:24 by deemer