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Webpage analysis tools

Elements tree

Elements tree is a hierarchical view of source code of a page. When it is not possible to select the desired element directly on page using Action constructor, you can click right mouse button on the approximate location of the element on page and select Inspect element option in context menu.

Using visual layout of elements in the tree, you can find nearby elements, sub-elements and elements containing the current one. Right-click on element in the tree allows to send its data to Action constructor.

Using filter you can display only required elements from wepage:

Element properties

Selecting element in the tree you can see its properties in “Element properties” window. The element also will be highlighted in browser.

You can use these properties in Action constructor to create required action with it.

When you activate "Follow coursor" mode in browser, elements displaying in the tree will be updated in real-time.

en/web_page_analysis.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 21:06 by sergodjan