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Live list

Successfully checked proxies will appear in Live list on Proxies tab.

In the list you can see general info about proxy (country, ip-address, protocol) and checking results on such parameters as gateway, anonimity, elite, speed, etc. You can also enable checking time and rate display.

Each proxy in the list is rated. Proxy rate rises if it was taken from list and lows down if checking results were unsuccessfull.

Proxies can be filtered by rules in Live list (Show rules option). If you select several rules, live list will display proxies that match at least one of them. Rules are very useful as they allow to take required proxies for other zennolab programs with integrated ProxyChecker. For instance, if you select the rule Google passed you will be able to take workable proxies for your Google registration project in ZennoPoster software, or you can select Twitter passed rule and get proxies for posting in Twitter via Z-social program.

Filtered in live list proxies can be saved to file or copied to clipboard, you can also configure Output task and deliver proxies to local file or network source. Note, that output options are available only in purchased version of ZennoProxyChecker.

en/proxychecker/live.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/17 14:25 by vladz