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Translations of this page:


Getting started

This is your beginning point for discovering Zennoposter MP

Here you will find short descriptions for text and video tutorials which will help you with your learning process.

Please watch these videos:

1. Introduction. Creating simple project with Intellisearch function and analyzing it in debug mode.

2. Interface of ZennoPoster Mental Power

After these videos, please, read articles: how to create project and project execution

Make sure to start with something easy, for example, play with our training forms. Don't try to make gmail account creator if you have not much experience :)

Other materials

Read all other articles here.


1. All you need to know about IntelliSearch

2. Handling captcha errors: sometimes you will have deal with them. They may be cause of problems on anti captcha servers which you use, wrong captcha recognition. By implementing steps from this video you will increase your project's stability.

3. Tumblr registration. This lesson will show you unusual way to detect captchas, forms filling with profile's data, editing project, avatar uploading, saving registered logins to file.

4. Parsing of Twitter followers (for advanced users). This lesson will show you how to perform parsing, use advanced action designer, elements tree, element's attributes. Also you will learn how to perform cycle, use logic actions, keyboard strokes emulation, regular expressions, saving data to file.

Videos from our customers

Also, there is YouTube channel one of our client (drvosjeca), where you can watch good tutorials: www.youtube.com/user/dexlabseo

en/zennoposter_start.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/14 15:51 (external edit)