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Program settings

Main settings

Proxy checking server address - select server for checking proxy from the list of addresses.

Operation settings:

Remove proxies when closing program - remove proxies from list when closing the program.

Threads in process - number of threads used by program for checking.

Parsing settings

Parsing settings define structure of regular expressions for parsing proxies.

Some websites may publish proxies with specific address markup, so you can set your own parsing structure and test it on certain source.

Auto-search settings

Stop when in checking queue more than - when exceeding this number of proxies in checking queue, auto search will be stopped.

Stop when in base more than - when exceeding this number of proxies in base, auto search will be stopped.

Stop when in base more than - when exceeding this number of proxy sources in base, auto search will be stopped.

Additional settings

In additional settings you can enable minimizing program to tray.

And disable error reports (globally).

en/proxychecker/settings.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/17 14:20 by vladz