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Keystrokes and mouse emulation

For what

  • We need to perform click somewhere on the page if we know coordinates of our click target.
  • We need to emulate keyboard strokes somewhere, for example “Enter” or “Esc”.
  • Nowadays many sites use advanced antibot scripts. Some of them check if user really typing while perform form filling. This function will help us to pass these tests :)

How to

There are two actions in main toolbox: keystrokes and mouse emulation. They may be hidden (right click on toolbar panel and check emulation; this will help)

For mouse emulation you will need to set coordinates on page for future click and type of click. Also you can choose spread: normal or equally. The first one will make clicks close to the center of chosen click area; The second one will perform clicks randomly within this area.

For keystrokes emulation you will need to input text for itself and set delay for typing. Press Ctrl+Space to see special keystrokes you can emulate and choose the one you need.

Emulation is used while performing form filling and clicks on elements by default. In project's settings (static block at the bottom in the Editor) you can change speed of emulation for all actions within current project if they include typing or clicks on webpage elements. Each oh these actions has it's own setting for emulation speed, which has higher priority against project's one.

Also read about search by picture

en/mouse-keyboard-emulation.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 21:08 by sergodjan