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Files and directories

Working with files

ZennoPoster allows to automate work with files for inserting data to webpages. For example, you can insert prepeared text from file when posting on forums, blogs, notice boards, adding comments, etc.

To add file processing operation to project, use Files action from Data actions group.

There are several operations with files available:

  • Take text - take text from file and put to variable.
  • Write text - write text to file.
  • Move - move file to another directory.
  • Check existence - check if file actually exists by specified path.
  • Copy - make copy of a file
  • Delete - delete file

Working with directories

Action Directories allows to work with directory of files. You can create or move directory with files, get file path, etc.

The following operations with directories are available:

  • Create - create directory
  • Copy - copy directory
  • Move - move directory
  • Get file list - allows to get list of files in specified directory. Uncludes search in subdirectories and by file mask
  • File path - allows get path to certain file in specified directory and put it to variable
  • Delete - delete directiry

en/actions/files.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 21:07 by sergodjan