
  1. M

    Making multithreads projects

    Hello everyone, I am new in zennoposter software and i want to ask you if i am on the right path. I have very specific problem with photo upload button which are hard to find by javascript and impossible to find by action designer. I want to create a project that will be running in couple of...
  2. PHaRTnONu

    Scroll to Bottom of page for hidden content

    So i always see this asked and the answer is always "Scroll into view" "Mouse wheel emulation" im looking for a solution to where it knows the conent is done loading. IE i have a page with a FINITE amount of content in it. but i need to fully load all the hidden content, i dont know where it in...
  3. T

    Mouse Emulation Detected!

    Hi, i am working on a registration script for a site. I made the script, and i know 100% that if the site detect the bot it throws a specified error. The first time i got this message, i tried emulating and changing everything, and i found out that if i let the bot do everything apart from...
  4. KitKat21

    How to use Variables in C# code to FindElementbyAttribute?

    Hi guys! I hope someone can help me. I'm experimenting with using variables in C# code (thanks to those kind users here who helped me use variables in the code!). I want to have random settings to emulate moving a mouse/scrolling randomly over different parts of a page to look natural. So...
  5. PHaRTnONu

    C# mouse over event.

    Need c# code fixed to mouse over a group of elements found that have a certain critera add the pop up dialog. currently is working but will not cycle to the second mouse over event. only grabs teh first one mouses over and grabsdata add it to EVERY one that has teh mouse over event. User 1...
  6. A

    Using Proxy Timzone

    Hi, Is it possible to get a proxy time zone and then emulate it as the local time zone too? I know we can emulate this from Broswer > "Time Zone", but both proxy and local time zone to be the same. Thanks.
  7. В

    Вопрос по эмуляции мыши в версии

    Мышь в эмуляторе очень странно себя ведет. Взял код из вики. HtmlElement he = instance.ActiveTab.GetDocumentByAddress("0").FindElementByAttribute("div", "class", "main", "regexp", 0); if (he.IsVoid) return -1; instance.ActiveTab.FullEmulationMouseMoveToHtmlElement(he); Выдает ошибку В вики...