Результаты поиска по запросу: not loaded

  1. Следующие слова были исключены из поискового запроса, поскольку они слишком короткие, слишком длинные или встречаются слишком часто: not

Forum search Google search

  1. VladZen

    How to resolve the "Failed to prepare a profile..." error when selling templates for customers to run themselves

    The solution is to switch to another server in configs. Customer should edit ZennoPoster.exe.config and ProjectMaker.exe.config files. from Progs folder in program directory and change all entries userarea.zennolab.com to userarea-us.zennolab.com (or userarea-hk.zennolab, userarea.zenno.io...
  2. C

    Error in the chromium function, help

    Yes, I know how to do that, but even with everything configured, it always gave an error. For example, I'm going to open a URL that, if successful, goes to Google, and if it fails, it goes to Facebook. Regardless of what happens, it always gave an error and went to the function (end bad), even...
  3. M

    Profiles and Cookies

    Hello! Just last night I downloaded the trial version of zennodroid, I have been using zennoposter for some time. I want to do a project in which I require many users and I have several questions. I see that when creating a istance or machine in Memu it consumes a lot of disk. I understand from...
  4. Perfecto

    How to scroll with the mouse to the bottom of the page

    Hi, I'm looking to implement mouse scrolling to the bottom of the page, pausing for 2 seconds each time to allow everything to load before scrolling again. The challenge is how to detect when I've reached the bottom of the page. Considering that this script needs to work on hundreds of...
  5. B

    How to create multiple instances with 1 profile each?

    Hi VladZen, Well here is my issue. I have Zenno poster PRO(Just upgraded) and would like to use a lot of threads to run a single project. The project starts like this: I do not know why but when I add this project to Zennoposter and try to run 10 threads, only 1 thread runs, all the others...
  6. G

    Запуск зашифрованного проекта в качестве подпроекта - невозможно?

    Запуск из другого проекта выдаёт Executing the ProjectInProject Could not load file or assembly '210225 bytes loaded from ProjectMaker, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Была сделана попытка загрузить программу, имеющую неверный формат.
  7. n0n3mi1y

    [EN] [ZDE] Discord Account Creator for phones + hCaptcha solver for Android

    I'm glad to present to everyone who reads this the project for signing up new Discord accounts on real devices based on ZennoDroid Enterprise! Some info about configuration and features: 1. Signing up based on Discord App or Chrome is supported. 2. HCaptcha solving module is detached into a...
  8. S

    JsonConvert > cannot execute valid C# code

    Hello, i've played with C# to generate a serialized json array, with the Newtonsoft library, that is shipped into ZP as well. - I do use the Custom Code C# block (not the Cube yet) - My code does not have any error outside ZP, the log console still indicated have some syntax issues. - All my...
  9. Besedi

    error compiling project for customers when i use an external C# assembly

    Newtonsoft.Json added with ExternalAss. and with included libs like describe in guide above C:\Zennolab\EN\ZennoBox V7\\Progs\ExternalAssemblies - files here Error in zennobox, in my zennoposter works fine zennobox report: Without this Json lib - works fine on both system, so how...
  10. myndeswx

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    There you go, the issue is that this window is loaded as iframe, if you open it directly everything works, just need to generate correct date fo birth and you should be good to go.
  11. udder

    Как произвести над текстом JSON Escape в рамках ZENNO?

    Необходимо подготовить текст для отправки по REST API Wordpress ИСХОДНЫЙ ТЕКСТ Преобразуем данный текст https://www.freeformatter.com/json-escape.html#before-output На выходе: Собственно здесь все было отформатировано по правилам: Backspace заменяется на \b Передача формы заменяется на...
  12. myndeswx

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    Create a cube like this when the page is loaded. Make a screenshot of the page Upload the value of 'source' variable here (all the HTML) and the screenshot
  13. VladZen

    Element Tree – only part of the source is loaded.

    Which andoird image do you use, 7 or 9? By the way, you can try newer version already, perhaps it works better.
  14. g.kucza

    Element Tree – only part of the source is loaded.

    From time to time the source in Element Tree does not load. I mean the source of the page launched in Google Chrome. Has anyone encountered such a situation? I have the latest version of ZennoDroid How to solve this problem? Refreshing the page didn't always work. Only part of the source...
  15. H

    Oracle website cannot be loaded correctl

    Oracle website cannot be loaded correctly, whether using Chrome or Firefox, is it a bug? Thank you very much for requesting help. https://cloud.oracle.com/networking/vcns/vnics/ocid1.vnicattachment.oc1.ap-osaka-1.anvwsljrih4y4yyckhj3mc46crphkv7mzezxejpvk3y7d4e5ritcldbdwria/ips?region=ap-osaka-1
  16. VladZen

    Actions - long execution

    120-150 sec. is the timeout for loading tab. It seems the website is not just fully loaded when you go to it
  17. D

    Is there a way to get static files with another proxy or without?

    Is it possible now with newer version of zennoposter? I mean to get static files with another proxy or without
  18. kavo

    How can I turn off the chrome browser image?

    You can also switch it on the fly by navigating to chrome://settings/content/images So you can enable them when there might be captchas, and then disable afterwards. One trick that might be possible, is to block images, but add an exception to the important ones (Captcha images will be loaded...
  19. Maddis

    Bug or just bad code?

    I have also tried this: Tab tab = instance.ActiveTab; string criteria = "My Element"; int retCount = 0; Top:; HtmlElementCollection results = tab.FindElementsByAttribute("span","innertext", @criteria,"text"); if (results == null) { retCount = 0; } else { retCount = results.Count...
  20. G

    4 место Stable Diffusion и ZennoPoster - Генерируем картинки в домашних условиях

    да чёт я на хаггингфейсе то не могу тестовую запустить :) или я не тот юрл заюзал? https://huggingface.co/askmyteapot/alpasta30b?text=My+name+is+Julien+and+I+like+to The model askmyteapot/alpasta30b is too large to be loaded automatically (65GB > 10GB). For commercial use please use PRO spaces...
  21. selectel56

    1 место Использование Frida для хука функций в android приложении и реализации хэш-функции pikabu

    Сутки мучаюсь, статейка просто огонь, но помогите кто сможет: Код такой: @Override // puss.miss.network.HostProvider public final void sign(Uri.Builder builder, HostProvider.SignCreator signCreator) { if (i().needSign()) { x(builder, signCreator); } }...
  22. art22

    Как вытащить картинки из кода в переменной?

    Добрый день. Спарсил определённый кусок кода, в нем есть картинки как мне сохранить их в списке чтобы потом их скачать. помню была какая то формула не смог найти cdn.stamped.io/tr:h-800,/uploads/photos/ -- ссылка на картинку в данном коде 3 таких <h3...
  23. GROHA_official

    ❤️ Telegram soft — TG-GIANT | Бесплатный тест на 2 дня | Более 15 функций | Поддержка 24/7 | Многопоточность | Комьюнити

    Залили новое обновление от 05.04.2023 НОВИНКИ: - Добавили новый модуль «Инвайтер через админ панель» - В конвертере TDATA --> session теперь отлёжка прогружается после проверки аккаунтов __________________________________________________________ Uploaded new update of...
  24. EtaLasquera

    Running the WebBrowserSettings Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Try check if instance is loaded. if (!instance.ActiveTab.IsInteractive) { instance.Launch(ZennoLab.InterfacesLibrary.Enums.Browser.BrowserType.Chrome, true); } Change the BrowserType to a browser defined by yourself.
  25. D

    Is there a way to get static files with another proxy or without?

    Thanks for the reply. My problem is that some website consider browser as out dated browser if you disable loading images, like discover.com
  26. VladZen

    Is there a way to get static files with another proxy or without?

    It can be stored in browser cache and loaded later from cache. But this won't work for multi-threading and differnet accounts. So, I would better advise you just to disable loading images, CSS, media on websites in zenno browser
  27. VladZen

    Issue after sending project to Zennoposter.

    No, the list is empty on your screenshot. I need to see properties when the list is loaded
  28. Z

    Running the WebBrowserSettings Error accessing Instance.UsesFolderProfile

    profile is new. in projectManager is work. in zennoposter not. When i change to chromium its work in PM and ZP
  29. VladZen

    Running the WebBrowserSettings Error accessing Instance.UsesFolderProfile

    Thanks. seems nothing wrong there. What are current browser profile settings? and what was the browser in loaded profile-folder? they probably don't match
  30. Phoenix78

    C# blocks are not executed in the launcher

    ...responseHeaders. Working with this object requires a lot of checks and a try/catch block. It is also very possible that the request was not loaded to the end in the Zennoposter, since the speed of work there is much higher than in the Project Maker, where there is an artificial slowdown in...

    [KOPEECHKA.STORE] – A unique mail activation service. Less costs – more results

    Hi all! It is important to share with you: After the recovering, our database is now being searched by the checker for live emails, which affects its work. In this way it is loaded and works a little slower on the delivery. So if you have expensive supplies (captchas, proxies, etc.), then stop...
  32. U

    how to check if one element is visible?

    i cannot find this feature: check if elment is visible. Without this its useless, when run the script it will keep trying to click on things but its not loaded yet on the app screen.
  33. VladZen

    Browser not showing any content, but {-Page.Dom or Text} does.

    Looks like the pages was not fully loaded. Did you try in Chromium browser engine?
  34. C

    ZP Clears all Projects in List when the Previous Starting Failed

    Sometimes when ZP fails to start (for example, when CPU is busy or failed to connect to authentication server etc), and ZP crashes/quits before the project list is loaded to appear in the screen, then next time I open ZP, sometimes the ENTIRE project list is gone. The list is totally empty...
  35. N

    ZD Enterprise нет сети для гуглплей

    [2022.08.15 03:41:31] [2022.08.15 03:41:31] Welcome to Proxifier v3.42 [2022.08.15 03:41:31] [2022.08.15 03:41:31] Log file enabled C:\Users\NULL\Documents\Proxifier\Log.txt [2022.08.15 03:41:31] Profile ProxifierProfile loaded. [2022.08.15 03:41:33] gnirehtet.exe (3624) - manual...
  36. morpheus93

    Bugs in version

    Also I need to add that debugging in the PM of v is extremely slow, especially loading web pages often lasts for minutes! till it is loaded (no matter if a proxy is used or without proxy). From time to time the browser stops completely and only restarting PM helps.
  37. R

    ZPProfile - Chromium Extensions not saved- need to reinstall them

    Hello all, i am using the latest version, as part of the project, i am adding an extension and saving the profile, however, when the profile will be loaded, cookies etc are saved,but the extension is missing. I tried different extensions(vpn), but none of them will be saved. I tried to add steps...
  38. zenewbie

    Bugs in version

    I have checked and I have the geo-bases installed, they are fairly recent 7.7.2022. It only doesn't work for some proxies, like ipv6 or proxies where you get just one single entry-ip and the ip is delivered via a port, like: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:23100, 23200 etc...
  39. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    1. Check geo-bases on your PC, perhaps, they are missing (details here). 2. Minor bug, but I hope this bug will be fixed in next version.
  40. morpheus93

    Release version of PM

    While debugging a small project with the new Chromium engine and loaded a pre-feeded folder profile, PM hangs completely and I even can't open the main GUI from the taskbar after a while. Using Windows Server 2016 Standard. Already sent error report via suppurt ticket.
  41. C

    Can't load proxies into ProxyChecker

    I'm pretty sure I am just fucking up the constructor but Ill screen all my settings since I am new to this. Here is the constructor the blanked out part is just "login:" Text file I loaded in with proxies, again login is blanked out the login is at the start and is always the same so i...
  42. VladZen

    Canvas/WebGL SuperEmulation - When is it needed?

    New Canvas/WebGL SuperEmulation feature is adaptive algorithm It analyzes webpages visited in your project and if the pages detect canvas, it emulates real canvas for them. Canvas presets are loaded at project start, not stored in browser or profile. For better emulation, you should execute...
  43. fudge

    strange list processing issue

    Hi, In my project I am using a list that is being loaded correctly from the file. I can see that the lines of the file are loaded. However, when I use list processing in order to get the line from the list, list processing is failing to get the line. If I remove a \ from the file path in the...
  44. Phoenix78

    Plugin for passing the Gee Test slider (Slide Gee Test), in the browser tab ZennoPoster

    I will sell a plugin for passing the Gee Test slider (Slide GeeTest) This plugin solves the GeeTest slide captcha (Slide GeeTest), on the current page in the ZennoPoster browser, by dragging (Drag&Drop) the slider, combining the puzzle with the desired location. No additional consumables are...
  45. P

    C# помощь для парсинга

    Спасибо. Это точно что мне нужно было ++ В signature у тебя написано "Спасибо или 10$ - тебе решать!", скинь бтк адрес в лс )
  46. Sherminator

    C# помощь для парсинга

    По поводу первого могу предположить что достаточно сделать массив в который будут занесены слова наличие которых надо проверить и следовательно с ним (массивом) сверяться. Ну это если я правильно понял вопрос. А второй вопрос вообще не понял, могу предположить что тебе достаточно сделать в...
  47. BAZAg

    C# помощь для парсинга

    ...else { which_keyword = regex; break; } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(which_keyword)) throw new Exception("not found, page not loaded"); // Не нашли return which_keyword; // Нашли Или можно вынести проверку в функцию - пример: // Входящие данные string[] regexs = new[]{...
  48. P

    C# помощь для парсинга

    ..."innerhtml", "isn\'t\\ available", "regexp", 0); if (ui.IsVoid) throw new Exception("not found, page not loaded"); ------------------------------------------------- Этот код определяет текст "isn't available" на странице HTML, в случае его отсутствие отвечает отрицательно, позволяя зенки...
  49. H

    random images in emulator

    move the image to new folder then upload that folder to shared one and voila only 1 image will be loaded for original one delete it