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  1. C

    Use of JavaScript Within Templates Causes Infinite Memory Increase Until Crash- Proof

    Just figured I'd pop in (3 months later, haha) and ask if there has been any progress made in repairing this bug?
  2. C

    Easiest way to solve a simply math equasion ? 5 + 9 = ???

    Yeah, you can definitely just go ahead and do the equation without setting the numbers as variables as you found out. I just have the habit of setting things as variables for later use as I work with JS a lot (and when you work heavily with JS, you grow accustomed to doing it that way).
  3. C

    Easiest way to solve a simply math equasion ? 5 + 9 = ???

    I'm fairly sure when he said "you'll have to be a monkey on this one" he meant that he sets it up so he has to solve the captchas manually. If you can parse the numbers for the equation, here is how you can solve it automatically: Get + Macros where Macros equals this: {-JS.Execute-|-var...
  4. C

    Help making a google places scraper.

    EDIT: To aid in load time, I have all of the following set NOT to load: images, video, sound, run active x, load active x, popup. I then have the following set to make sure they DO load: scripts, java & frames If you visit this URL: http://maps.google.com/maps And search something in this...
  5. C

    Use of JavaScript Within Templates Causes Infinite Memory Increase Until Crash- Proof

    Thanks a lot Hungry Bulldozer, that's great news! I use JS heavily within templates, as it allows me to perform in one step what would otherwise take many, many steps. To hear this is going to be repaired is excellent.
  6. C

    Use of JavaScript Within Templates Causes Infinite Memory Increase Until Crash- Proof

    I posted this thread outlining the problem: http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?3190-ZennoPoster-Memory-Usage-Increases-amp-Increases-Until-it-Crashes where I was told by Hungry Bulldozer that it was the use of loops that was causing the problem. So, I have completely removed all...
  7. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    Just as a for instance about what I mean by not being able to remove the use of JS, the one step in my template labelled "Clean Anchor & Check for Keyword" contains this JS: This is the anchor text of the search result it is currently working on and turns it into a JS variable -> var iu =...
  8. C

    How to set up all the email registrations and only then check for activation?

    Nice, that's actually a much simpler solution.
  9. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    It really does look like it is the use of JS that is causing the infinite increase of memory usage within ZP. Somehow ZP must not be releasing the memory used by them. @bigcajones - I looked over my template looking for places to remove the use of JS, and I'm afraid that I simply can't (not...
  10. C

    How to set up all the email registrations and only then check for activation?

    I can answer the first part of your question, but not the second (as I haven't worked with hotmail within ZP before). If you've got a txt file full of registration links, and want to perform an action with all of them before moving on and doing something else, you just need a simple loop and...
  11. C

    How to Check If Text on Webpage is Found on a .txt file

    I'm not sure there is one central location that is going to give you everything you need, but a good place to start with learning JS would be here: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp JS is pretty easy to pick up on, it just takes some working with.
  12. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    I've reduced the template to only a mere shell of its former self trying to figure this out. I've made it so the "second half" of the template isn't even called into action. Here is what the template does now: It checks if it has created the directory "Garbage Files" in the same folder the...
  13. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    I definitely could see loops increasing memory usage, but shouldn't that used memory be "released" upon the template being successfully executed? I mean, each individual instance is releasing the used memory, it's just the main ZennoPoster.exe that isn't.
  14. C

    How to Check If Text on Webpage is Found on a .txt file

    I'll have to keep an eye for your posts then, as it sounds like what you know would compliment what I know nicely...which is a nice way of saying that I know diddly about regex, haha.
  15. C

    How to Check If Text on Webpage is Found on a .txt file

    I've attached a template & text file to this post. Simply unzip both of them into any folder, then run the template in ZP project maker so you can follow along with each step. Here is an explanation of what it is doing: In the text file, there is your entire original post. The bot will...
  16. C

    How to check words in txt file ?

    You can use javascript to check for certain characters in a txt file. Simply pull the block of text from the text file, and then use this javascript function: var CharactertoLookFor = "%"; var StringtoLookIn = "abcdefghijklm%nopqrstuvwxyz" StringtoLookIn.search(CharactertoLookFor); If you...
  17. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    I've attached the XML template file so maybe somebody could take a look and see what's going on. This is incredibly frustrating, because I'm very happy with the template and how it works, but I can't "walk away" from my computer and let it run, because ZP crashes every single time. To run...
  18. C

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes

    ZennoPoster Memory Usage Increases & Increases Until it Crashes - Template Attached I made a template that analyzes the top ten results of Google for a list of given keywords. The template works 100% perfectly, with the exception that ZP crashes after awhile. The template throws no error...
  19. C

    What is logic for 'contains but not necessarily equals'

    This is probably your best solution. If you aren't sure what he means, open up project maker and then open up the "Javascript Tester" (it's next to the Macros Editor button in the Ribbon). Paste this into it: var findme = "x"; var StringtoLookIn = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"...