Last Match and Remove all before text.


Is there anyway for me to trim off to the last <img alt=", so I'm removing the last
match and including everything before it.

My name is Carissa today.. #actress #setlife #myfirstmovie || New Edition Biopic Miniseries" class="_icyx7" id="pImage_0" src="" style="" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253963231697205493.0.0.$pImage_0"></div><noscript data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253963231697205493.0.1"></noscript><div class="_ovg3g" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253963231697205493.0.2"></div></div></a><a class="_8mlbc _vbtk2 _t5r8b" href="/p/BFkehCOtnns/?taken-by=yoventura" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356"><div class="_22yr2" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356.0"><div class="_jjzlb" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356.0.0"><img alt="It's not 12am yet but I want to be the first one to say happy birthday to you @shaqstacks_  I love you best friend, just want to thank you for everything you've done and put up with for me.  You bring such happiness to me, although we fight most of the time I wouldn't want anyone else but you. I hope you have an amazing bday! ❤️" class="_icyx7" id="pImage_1" src="" style="" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356.0.0.$pImage_1"></div><noscript data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356.0.1"></noscript><div class="_ovg3g" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253260807848229356.0.2"></div></div></a><a class="_8mlbc _vbtk2 _t5r8b" href="/p/BFj8eBitnl0/?taken-by=yoventura" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253111067370223988"><div class="_22yr2" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253111067370223988.0"><div class="_jjzlb" data-reactid=".$mostRecentSection/=10.0.$0.$1253111067370223988.0.0"><img alt="So glad I started @cateredfit meal plans, I've been eating this for some weeks and I'm in love with their food, I hate meals that taste like nothing and with them every meal is tasty and healthy || give them a try and let me know if you love them as much as me! Discount code Yoventura20
I want to be able to be left with this.

So glad I started @cateredfit meal plans, I've been eating this for some weeks and I'm in love with their food, I hate meals that taste like nothing and with them every meal is tasty and healthy || give them a try and let me know if you love them as much as me! Discount code Yoventura20
Any simple fix guys ? I can use regex because before it already exist other <img alt=" so it can't match to last. Any solution ?

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