Результаты поиска

  1. M

    How can I change a url?

    Hi, I have a simple question. I need to scrape a site, by filling in a different 9 digit number each time and then get some text from the page if it exists. So, for instance, the url is http://www.domain.com/000000001 and I want some text from this page. Then I want to go to...
  2. M

    Digg.com reagistration works in Project Maker debug mode, but not in Zenno Poster

    I have created a script to make digg.com registrations, everything works well in the Project Maker debug mode, but when I run it in ZennoPoster, it doesn't work and after captcha recognition, I return to the digg.com homepage. I think the reason may be that the form filling goes too fast. Is...