facebook;mouse emulation

  1. valteau

    drop-down button

    @VladZen, I would like to do an action on this type of button where there is a drop-down list that is displayed when we put the mouse pointer over it. How can i do that ? i try onmouseover but it's work only one time after not working
  2. B

    Парсер анкет Facebook/VK/Одноклассники

    Ищу терпеливого исполнителя Постараюсь подробно описать требования по парсеру и можно ли это реализовать с Zennoposter? Суть приложения будет состоять в необходимости получения перечня профайлов из соц сетей facebook, VK, одноклассники. Парсером планируем собирать инфо о потенциальных...
  3. valteau

    Each clic of Mouse Emulation on Facebook Move, Why!?

    I would like to make a mouse emulation to make a comment under a photo or video facebook post. i managed to emulate the click. when i got the location from left and top, i took care to take; i follow the tutorial video "mouse emulation", you can see the template i start in upload file: Get...