Результаты поиска

  1. M

    Getting funds out of my zennolabs account?

    Thanks to both of us, sorry Tobbe, it was really important and I wanted to absolutely solve that issue :)
  2. M

    Getting funds out of my zennolabs account?

    No response? :O
  3. M

    Getting funds out of my zennolabs account?

    I paid a bit too much into my zennolabs account and the balance is staying high. How can I get the amount back to my PP account? I made a stupid mistake lol
  4. M

    "You are using not purchased version" when client has purchased template

    He sent it in today :)
  5. M

    "You are using not purchased version" when client has purchased template

    Yes, he has the hardware information part filled out (with his computer name)
  6. M

    "You are using not purchased version" when client has purchased template

    He is doing it from his userarea, he made a screenshot. He also downloads zennobox. About the hardware infomration -> Don't know, I am asking him. I think I might need a tech guy to help me out in real time or something, this is getting a bit scary and he is getting mad :S
  7. M

    "You are using not purchased version" when client has purchased template

    He did it and still got issues after reinstalling. I don't know whats going on, he did it a few times and even with the registry, as stated here. Should I set up another admin panel account for him? I am fearing that he won't be really able to install it :S And I would look stupid as f*ck :(
  8. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    What am I doing wrong? some of the guys are getting upset :D Need help :S
  9. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    Here the necessary infomration. maybe I am doing something wrong. This is directly out of my project maker and it works there. Users trying my template on their machines on zennoposter have issues with that step. IN CASE the source code changes (I don't know if that is the case) for THEM...
  10. M

    "You are using not purchased version" when client has purchased template

    Something strange is happening to one of the guys who is installing my template. Everytime he installs zennobox with my templates in it, he gets this messagebox after firing up Zennobox. "You are using not purchased version. You should buy updates, please go by ..." He even uninstalled...
  11. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    Hey there, will do today! It's strange because another person has said the same thing again. My projectmaker is running things smoothly and it works, but the instance on his end doesn't work, he says, it just reloads the screen when it reaches that point. So somehow I think either it's a bug in...
  12. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Thanks lokiys, it is going into the right direction. I am bascially looking to have that as some sort of Bad End and then return to the part where it should continue normally. If I do it like you said, I would need to click on each modules red dot and connect it to the message box :D That...
  13. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Oh OK because after I hit the "continue" button in my instance it then proceed to show me the error and closed the whole instance :(
  14. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    I am always using the actions designer. In my projectmaker it works, in the zennoposter of the said person it just get stuck there, most probably having issues finding the right link. As said PROBABLY the sourcee of that web site is I THINK different when he runs the bot than when I run the...
  15. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    yup did that, still the same issue. there might be a probability that the interface of that site changes somehow (the source etc. behind that site every now and then) that makes it difficult for me to set up the bot appropriately (because I don't get to see the variations that my users migth be...
  16. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    I THINK that it doesn't click the element properly or something, but the problem is it also doesn't give out an error which makes it a bit hard to call the instance wiht "bad end" :S
  17. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Very nice, I tried it :-) Is there a way that zennoposter can find out where the bot got the "bad end" and then, after navigating manually with the help of the c# code, going back to the part where it got stuck (+ 1 step, since the step got done manually)? Bascially, to make it more precise...
  18. M

    ZP instance ready, not doing anything

    I am having a strange issue :D The bot that I've wrote opens a site and should click on a certain link. However, it loads up the page and just stays "ready" (says the status in the instance's window) but it doesn't do anything. I switchted the part where it clicks on the specific link but...
  19. M

    Bots won't get updated within Zennobox?

    I am having heavy issues with updating within Zennobox etc. When I update the bots in my admin panel, the user who is using Zennobox still sees the old version. How do I do the updates: 1. I click on the pencil symbol next to my template 2. I then click BROWSE to pick the template file 3. I...
  20. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    @rostonix Just added you on skype :) @woober Oh ok haven't thought of that one before. It's strange because it has no issues within my own zennoposter!
  21. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    I don't know whether I am EXTRA stupid today or what is going on with me, I can't even find the PM feature today on this forum, I am looking everywhere... I just found your skype. Can you quickly write me a PM or sth? :S
  22. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    It won't even run because the settings need to be set within the input settings so the bot can run. But you think that there might encounter some strange bugs? When I load the bot in my own zennoposter and double click on the bot's I get the input settings to see. But everybody else who is...
  23. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    He downloaded the same verrsion that I have in my ProjectMaker and he says when clicking on the bot (right clikc -> settings) it still gives out the same error. I don't know what is going on and a few people are starting to get mad at me :S @rostonix can you please look into my account or sth...
  24. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    THanks for your response. I started to freak out because my father started complaining to me lol and I needed to sort this out. He will try and download the same build and then report back. hopefully it will work
  25. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    Ah, so when I have someone I sell a template to, he has to download Zennobox which has the same version as my ProjectMaker, right?
  26. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    Zennobox - the newest version( My zennoposter is from 2014, (projectMaker). Could that be the issue? :/
  27. M

    Inputbox as c# within ProjectMaker

    Thanks, I just glanced over it, it's very detailled and...very russian lol I just wanted something like a messagebox but with a textfield in it, I know that c# has that and I just can call it within one line. I was looking for the same thing basically Also: What do you think of my previous...
  28. M

    Inputbox as c# within ProjectMaker

    How can I do some sort of input box whithin c# in ProjectMaker? I want a message box to appear with an input textbox and then save the input into a variable. Normal c# brings me errors :( Basically I wanna do this: First there comes an input box where the user can specify a number. Then...
  29. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    I did that. At first I replaced the bot file with a completely different file. I called it "test bot" instead of the previous name. After starting zennobox, nothing has changed. So I uninstalled the bot and downloaded it again. Then it stated the "test bot" there. However, when doubleclicking on...
  30. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    Sorry for the triple post but this is urgent and I don't know how to solve this. I uploaded a bot which basically only has "input settings" and uploaded it to my control panel for the other person to download. But he is still not seeing the input settings thing, he gets the stnadard error that...
  31. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    I just uploaded the bots again within the control panel and downloaded zennobox+the bots on the other laptop and it still says "no input settings" etc. thats very weird
  32. M

    (Input-)Settings in ZennoPoster not showing up?!

    Hey guys, I have created a bot where the user right clicks on the bot in Zennoposter. And then you should click on "Settings" and set up a file path. I can see it in my zennoposter, but after doing the sale (within my family) with zennobox, it always says that there are no input settings even...
  33. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Oh yet another question. Is there a possibility to STOP the bot after encountering an error? So that the log says what error it is (like it normally does with the ID etc.) But also, the bot "freezes" so that I can click on "show instance" and see for myself where it got stucked on the website...
  34. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Worked perfectly lol Thank you so much!
  35. M

    Bug testing and updating bots??

    Hey guys, I am having to sell bots to two of my family members since they don't own zennoposter lol I am sure that they might encounter some bugs sooner or later. How can I do the bugs-logging efficiently? I want to know at which point of the program it got stuck, like which block within the...
  36. M

    List processing and Multi Threading

    HI lokiys, thanks for your response once again, you are indeed very very talented with zennoposter! While the way you showed me indeed worked for me, the only downside to this is that the textfile wll remain empty. My text file is having log in details so the way you described it works and each...
  37. M

    List processing and Multi Threading

    No, I am using it myself but the path of the list.txt that I want to use may change, so I don't want anything too static within ZennoPoster! True; I never told my bot to take the second line because I didn't know how to do it - I just want to specify for each instance to take the "next"...
  38. M

    List processing and Multi Threading

    I've seen the tutorials and directly from a file would probably be an issue bceause the user has to specify the file directory :-) However, I am still having that problem. Each instnace opens the list and starts from the first entry even though the other instance has done that entry already. I...
  39. M

    List processing and Multi Threading

    Hey, I don't know how to add a text file directly to the list! However: I have done that with "get line (in order, starting with the first entry)" and "delete line after take", but still each instance starts with with the first entry "www.site1.com" instead of one instance with site1.com...
  40. M

    List processing and Multi Threading

    Hey there, I got another question. Lets say my bot looks like this: 1. Read file and put it to variable "fileContent" 2. Add fileContent to "list1" 3. Get first Line in "list1" (and delete that line after taking) and save it as "CurrentLine" 4. Go to a web site with "CurrentLine" as URL 5. Go...
  41. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    Thank you very much, will try it right now as we speak :-) Just another question: is there any tutorial or something where I can learn the internal ZennoPoster architecture to integrate into c#? I for instance didn't know how to engage the instance and get the pagetext. Also I didn't know that...
  42. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    Thank you very much! Now the last part that I need to do is this: How can I assign a variable to the instance.ActiveTab.PageText.Contains("...") part? I want there to be a variable that I have specified.. Something like this instance.ActiveTab.PageText.Contains({-Variable.Text-}) but obviously...
  43. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    OK. I want my bot to check for the presence of "whats up ;)", which is in the third line of this site https://nopaste.me/view/17fb6bc4 I just right click on the line, then "check presence of text". But it doens't work because the text that I am looking for has ";)" in it. The ")" makes an error!
  44. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    Ah ok. Alright, so lets say my bot has a text field where the user can specify something. For instance he enters in the text box "this is a test ;-)" What I want ZennoPoster to do then is to search for "this is a test ;-)" within a certain website. It doesn't work though because the text to...
  45. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    No one can help? :(
  46. M

    Can't check for presence of text specified as variable

    Hey there, I want to use the "Check presence of text" but I want to specify a variable instead of a plain text. It doesn't work (in the regex field). Also, when I type in any message that has a ")" for instnace "this is a text :-)" it will give out an error. I was thinking of having an built-in...
  47. M

    WTB Bot for a dating site

    Hey guys, I currently don't have the time because otherwise I would have made it myself. I did a complex one previously about a year ago but now the complete interface of the site has changed so I would have to work from scratch again to build a bot. I am looking for a reliable and an...
  48. M

    How to pick random word from list?

    I have a field where I need to state the month of registration in words! I obviously prefer to choose the internal profile of Zennoposter to fill the profile, however the month is in numbers. How can I convert the number of the month within zennoposters "profile feature" (for instance 3 to...
  49. M

    Bot selling fee?

    But how can people here sell a bot for 2$ for instance..when they have to pay 10-20$ per sale themselves as fee??! For instnace, seller A sells a bot to other people for 2$, but has to pay 10-20$ to Zennolab himself as fee...how is that profitable? lol
  50. M

    Bot selling fee?

    Guys, It's me again lol I saw that when I sell a bot to someone who doesn't got a license, I need to pay $10 USD commission/fee...my client however can use ZennoBox with my bot for free. How do people on this forum here sell bots for under $10 USD easily? Is it because they sell to people here...