Результаты поиска

  1. enrc66

    Использовать CookieContainer в HttpGet/Post

    there's an error: 'CookieContainerProxy:http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ZennoLab.CodeRunner.ProjectProxy' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver if you are using DataContractSerializer or add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by...
  2. enrc66

    how to support flash in a new create instance

    zp v5.26
  3. enrc66

    how to support flash in a new create instance

    drawback, mybe is the reason of my setting
  4. enrc66

    [Help] Write a command to CMD

    try p.StartInfo.FileName =@"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/c rasdial Viettel \disconnect";
  5. enrc66

    How to use Variables in C# code to FindElementbyAttribute?

    here: https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/
  6. enrc66

    Simple C# code which checks for running app

    try this: public static bool IsRunning (string name) { return System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(name).Length > 0; } then c# code: return ZennoLab.OwnCode.CommonCode.IsRunning("cmd");
  7. enrc66

    How to fill in contact forms on many different sites

    1.find input element (visible) 2. get the text in font of the input element 3.judge the input info by the text such as "title","contact" 4.set value of the input element the same as other html element (button img textarea)
  8. enrc66

    CodeCreator won't properly show Element Properties

    drag the proper pannel to a visible place to make both tree and properties visible at the same time
  9. enrc66

    an advise about adding method to find element by ZP_ID

    Is it possible to add a method like FindElementByZpId() to locate an Element? I know there's many method to find element,but if having a method to find element by zpid, it would be more convenient , the case: 1.Many website use iframe,in some situations ,need to know the content relative...
  10. enrc66

    The name "instance" does not exist in the current context

    add an argument: public static void myCustomFuction(Instance instance ,int var1,int var2) { .......... }
  11. enrc66

    The name 'FileSystem' does not exist in the current context.

    int count = heCol.Count; return 0; should be return count;
  12. enrc66

    Captcha Recognition Result Missing in CodeCreator

    you can do that in element tree pannel by clicking right mouse button on the element
  13. enrc66

    professional zp change to demo suddenly

    it's ok!
  14. enrc66

    professional zp change to demo suddenly

    my zp is 5.1.2,while running,it jump a window named " get auth credentials" on page of "https://userarea.zennolab.com/en/ForgetPassword.aspx", click "email your new password", receive nothing ,my email is [email protected] please help me ,thanks ! download the license that received from zp...
  15. enrc66

    How to delete a row in the table

    var t1=project.Tables["Table1"]; var t2=project.Tables["Table2"]; int t2_rows=t2.RowCount; int t1_rows=t1.RowCount; string t2_content=""; string t1_content=""...
  16. enrc66

    How to delete a row in the table

  17. enrc66

    How to delete a row in the table

    the same error;
  18. enrc66

    How to delete a row in the table

    int c=project.Tables["Table3"].RowCount; for(int i=0;i<project.Tables["Table4"].RowCount;i++) { project.Tables["Table3"].AddRow(project.Tables["Table4"].GetRow(i)); } c=project.Tables["Table3"].RowCount...
  19. enrc66


    这是脚本自动发布的 zp5.1.2 英文版
  20. enrc66


    也可能是不符合网站发布规则,在pm里手动点时,出现错误对话框,但pm不显示, http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/zp.17629/#post-112204 上传的这个本地测试没有任何问题
  21. enrc66


  22. enrc66


  23. enrc66


  24. enrc66

    Internal error: Open project in zennposter

    in 5.5 build zennoposter ,it run well
  25. enrc66

    Internal error: Open project in zennposter

    in zennoposter(fail): +In Cc debug(success):
  26. enrc66

    Internal error: Open project in zennposter

    no, there's only one project in zennoposter
  27. enrc66

    Internal error: Open project in zennposter

    5.7:in cc debug,it's ok,in zennoposter,when run the project,it show the error 5.5: cc and zennoposter are all ok.
  28. enrc66

    Internal error: Open project in zennposter

    update to 5.7,there's the error in zennoposter below: 2014-12-25 10:13:43.2999|WARN|ZennoLab.LogLibrary.InternalError|Error occured in module "Internal error: Open project" Message: "An equivalent project (a project with the same global properties and tools version) is already present in the...
  29. enrc66

    how to make these boards such as "call stack","Modules","Local variables" not appear

    how to make these boards such as "call stack","Modules","Local variables" not appear when debug in cc?
  30. enrc66

    an advice about cs file order

  31. enrc66

    an advice about cs file order

  32. enrc66

    an advice about cs file order

    the cs file in project explore order by create time by letter Will be better to find what you want open
  33. enrc66

    Code Creator Crashing - V 5.4.3

    5.5 normal
  34. enrc66

    he.DisplacementInDocument and he.DisplacementInTabWindow

    thank you that's could instead of DisplacementInDocument
  35. enrc66

    he.DisplacementInDocument and he.DisplacementInTabWindow

    in cc he.DisplacementInDocument always equal he.DisplacementInTabWindow please check! pm is ok
  36. enrc66

    How could resolve this problem!

    I see,thanks!
  37. enrc66

    How could resolve this problem!

    the Email has been sent
  38. enrc66

    How could resolve this problem!

    "Internal error: open project Illegal characters in path" I use nomal until yestoday, today, I open the zpproj file,there is the error above; and there's no *.cs in project explorer zp5.4.3
  39. enrc66

    in cc RemoveElement (he) ,no change

    https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/5.4/webframe.html#ZennoLab.CommandCenter~ZennoLab.CommandCenter.Document~RemoveElement.html 5.1 and 5.4
  40. enrc66

    Failed to bind the file

  41. enrc66

    Failed to bind the file

    i in cc,why? my zp build is 5.4.3 lite
  42. enrc66

    If the previous element to a higher level, then return null.

  43. enrc66

    If the previous element to a higher level, then return null.

    PreviousSibling: https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/5.1/ZennoLab.CommandCenter~ZennoLab.CommandCenter.HtmlElement~PreviousSibling.html
  44. enrc66

    If the previous element to a higher level, then return null.

    in my case,return the next element,why?
  45. enrc66

    The network link error

    no proxy, the infomations of url and account has been send to the conversation! thanks
  46. enrc66

    The network link error

    no proxy, the infomations of url and account has been send to the conversation! thanks
  47. enrc66

    The network link error

    open a website background,there's the error below in PM: Connection Interrupted The document contains no data. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again. but in ff and other browser, it's normal, why??? zp5.1.2.0 , try the firefox 16 and 28 ,there's no...
  48. enrc66

    Error in C#

    wait for a better way:bp::bo:
  49. enrc66

    Error in C#

    or put them in one c# action
  50. enrc66

    Error in C#

    project.Variables["flag"].Value=1 project.Variables["flag"].Value=2 ..... put them in different c# action,check the flag value to find the last area to excute a little tedious