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  1. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    how to upload a image file?

    你 的 项目 发给 我 看下 , 请 联系 QQ 48151650
  2. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    Как получить ссылку на страницу в окне zp.

  3. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)


    各位Zennolab用户: 全新设计的官网历经数十次修改和测试,已于2017年5月12日正式发布。Zennolab公司成立于2008年,9年时间过去了,我们很多的小伙伴如ubot,imacros,(другой софт),SEnukes,Scrapebox...
  4. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    Trying to match up words

    you want to make a filter for the "100 banned items" ? or make some relative degree in these product title? i think you can make the "kitchen knife" as a keywords, compare the keywords in " products title" list. secondly ,you may think about to make a "temp list with RowCount" for checking...
  5. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    debug in c# own code

    There's no way to debug the C# code in ProjectMaker.You may install Visual studio to make it. download link in following: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48146
  6. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    proxies and receive email option

    :P sorry i am not very clear what you want in the thread. i give you some my experience. 1: "Proxies works only via browser....." ,exactly ,but if you use the third-part platform (eg.pptp vpn ,ssh proxy) OR intelligent routers hardware ( eg: Cisco router) to assistant .It can works globally...
  7. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    Asking for manual input

    if the answer you want to entry is a fixed result.you may try the browser "Post" . convert the popup window to a Captcha entry is a good way to make it.
  8. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    Постинг в вордпресс

    how about to make a decode for your <iframe>...</iframe> string htmlCode = project.Variables["iframe"].Value; string htmlDecodeCode = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlCode); return htmlDecodeCode;
  9. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    How to assign correct profit margin?

    use the Javascript and logic judge action. the var:y can take as your profits. hope to see some more better method in following. var x={-Variable.price_old-}; var y=2; x+y; var x={-Variable.price_old-}; var y=3.5; x+y; var x={-Variable.price_old-}; var y=5; x+y;
  10. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    restart instance problem

    i think you'd better to show the screenshot or your template for more good reply.:D when you Restart the project.it can default be clean cookies.
  11. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    can't find id action in pm

    Try the code in C# for check the last error id: var error = project.GetLastError(); var tmp = ""; if(error != null) tmp = string.Format("ActionComment: {0}.\r\nActionGroupId: {1}.\r\nActionId: {2}", error.ActionComment, error.ActionGroupId, error.ActionId); return tmp;
  12. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    zennolab 团队祝您猴年万事如意!

    爆竹声中辞旧岁,祝福声中迎新年,值此猴年春节到来之际,zennolab团队所有成员真诚祝愿您在新的一年里:家庭团团圆圆,日子红红火火,爱情甜甜蜜蜜,事业风风光光,生活平平安安,心情快快乐乐。 我们的中文客服QQ群:227496563 期待您的加入和关注! 中文客服群提供zennolab 产品相关技术指导和各种相关资源。猴年春节期间群成员可以免费获取由群主搭建的高速专线IP VPN。 zennolab 团队
  13. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    News Chinese speaking users are welcome to the new QQ group:227496563

    hello,bill: i think Speaking English is Ok. Welcome you can join our QQ group, this QQ group open for all zennolab users..No different in Nationality and also no different in language. This is my first message in Chinese Monkey New Year.Best wishes to your ALL.
  14. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    News  Chinese speaking users are welcome to the new QQ group:227496563

    We now have an official QQ group and WeChat.Our administrator Jack (中文名:黄祥财)can give you fast technical&payment support. QQ Group ID: 227496563 Click the link and join:http://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=2H4Sn9k WeChat:zennolab Thanks for your follow us! Zennolab Team
  15. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    欢迎大家加入zennolab QQ群 227496563

    QQ群专为已经是zennolab产品用户而设立,是一个客服和售后性质的QQ群。 我们在群里面会就大家在使用zennolab产品中遇到的各种问题进行解答,共享一些技术方案,实战过程和视频。 需要基础培训的朋友们,请联系中文版主SEOGET,版主这里已经有完备的基础教程视频。
  16. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    [QUESTION] How to use the hyperlink function in Texte Editor Page

    There is a Texte window and i can't paste the HTML code <a href="http://www.google.com">google</a> directly, but to use the online Editor to add some anchors. So the question is : how to add the anchors into article editor winedow.via Zennoposter PM?
  17. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    ZenBLOG - automatic blogs creator/poster many platforms

    there are 2 fata problem need you help 1:does i ONLY can create the "projektyseo_####.txt" via the ZENBlog3.83.jar ? i have try to duplicate one of "projektseo.##.txt " and rename to other , but the new duplicated file can't be load into ZENBlog3.83.jar auomatically...
  18. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    ZenBLOG - automatic blogs creator/poster many platforms

    there are 2 fata problem need you help 1:Does i ONLY can create the "projektyseo_####.txt" via the ZENBlog3.83.jar ? i have try to duplicate one of "projektseo.##.txt " and rename to other , but the new duplicated file can't be load into ZENBlog3.83.jar auomatically...
  19. HuangXiangCai(黄祥财)

    Can we count words with ZP?

    i have a simple way to resolve this problem 1:get the article and put the reuslt to the variable "articlecontent" 2:replace the space of {-variable.articlecontent-} to \r\n and put the result to variable "{-variable.articlecontentspace-}" 3:replace the "{-variable.articlecontentspace-}" with...