Результаты поиска

  1. A

    How to add zip code of a particular country when country are selected randomly?

    I have seen the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXP2Bs4PiMA which explains on choosing from male and female name. Since there are only two choices here between male and female, I was wondering how should I go when there are more than two choices. Suppose, while selecting country, I...
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    How to record template from previous state after restarting ProjectMaker?

    I recorded half of the template and went to template editor to edit some settings, after that I closed the ProjectMaker. Now, is there a way I can restart my template recording from the previous left state or I have to record the template from the start. Or, is there a way converting the...
  3. A

    Questions on filling up a web form for "first name" and "last name" from a text file!

    1. I'm trying to fill up a web form for "first name" and "last name" from a file (names.txt) which has following text: james:blunt eric:clapton john:denver will:smith The problem is that when a random "first name" is selected by the system, say, "james" then "last name" should be...