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  1. D

    How to properly use rotating proxies?

    I have bought Storm Proxies. I'm using their main gateway which changes the IP on every request. The problem however is that since threads do not resend new request to proxy, new IP is not being assigned from their proxy pool. Another problem is that ZennoPoster doesn't let me import duplicates...
  2. D

    How to calculate multiple variables with Take Text?

    I'm trying to calculate multiple variables from the same page with the Take Text function but I can't figure it out. The output is the whole regex expression with the variables calculated. For example if I use regex: v1\":\"([^,]*).*?v2\":([^,]*).*?v3\":([^,]*).*?v4\":\"([^,]*) I want the...
  3. D

    How to make threads work in a sync?

    I have a file from which I take lines using the counter variable. The problem however is that even though I'm increasing the counter with +1 each time, all the threads work from the start of the file and do it as many times as there are threads. For example, if I am using 10 threads, each line...