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  1. PHaRTnONu

    How to find an element on the page that changes all the time?"

    1. "I'm looking for its element" Wich element? there are hundreds? are you looking for ONE particular one? which one? 2. Please provide screen shots, we can not read your mind. you are providing nothing we have to work on. In all fairness you should look into firex to find your element, this...
  2. PHaRTnONu

    2 Table process issue's

    Ok ive TRACED & scaled back bit to see wtf is going on/wrong apparently i can not call the google sheet cell data? I can search it sure, but i have NO idea why i cant call the data in the cell's If some one could explain what is wrong here // define a dictionary to map the Zenno Poster...
  3. PHaRTnONu

    2 Table process issue's

    ive been through so many iterations i feel like im going insane, I legit Cant get this to work, i also cant itterate ColumnCount (or even ColumnName) Which MAKES ZERO SENSE because i an using the linq Direcetive..... anyways, this is the latest, It returns So SOME HOW its trying to use the...
  4. PHaRTnONu

    2 Table process issue's

    Ok So im trying to do a few things here. 1. return the row number based on a unique id inside the project variable UID 2. Dictate a dictionary of project variables and the corresponding columns they correlate to. 3. If text/data is present in the cell already ignore updating them UNLESS a...
  5. PHaRTnONu

    C# Date Conversion To UnixTimeCode

    BEFORE YOU EXECUTE THIS You need to add the line using System.Globalization; To your Directives & Shared code. Im including a screen shot so you can see, to access it again you'll notice in the right-hand side a new icon at the bottom of the photo. That is how you access it again if you need...
  6. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    api hit its daily capp....... so i dont know if it is working, i think it might be. ill have to wait till tomarrow to see
  7. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    that worked, except im just getting the return of "ok" which isnt the return value the cmd is supposed to give a result
  8. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    it was the . Right after . Variables removed it now have this error Compiling code of Error in action "CS0246" "The type or namespace name 'Process' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)". [Row: 15; Column: 1]
  9. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    this didnt work? am i able to pass a value through this?
  10. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    I added @"" Process P = Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files\Stringing\stringy.exe", @"-filename E:\RAW\project.Variablese.FileName -metaJSON E:\RAW\project.Variables.UID.json -thumbnail E:\RAW\project.Variables.Image"); P.WaitForExit(); int result = P.ExitCode; but now im getting this
  11. PHaRTnONu

    Returning C# results

    i am having the worst time at the moment, i dont know wtf im doing wrong and my head is killing me Process P = Process.Start(C:\Program Files\Stringing\stringy.exe, -filename E:\RAW\project.Variablese.FileName -metaJSON E:\RAW\project.Variables.UID.json -thumbnail...
  12. PHaRTnONu

    How to clean/reset several or multiple variables in one time ?

    I was looking for this im so gratefull you answered this saved me some time :)
  13. PHaRTnONu

    How to set timeout for action

    EtaLasquera reply is extremely good for a lot of case's but i don't think that was the question you were asking For a 'GENERAL' time out for some action blocks you need to go into the "action properties" (double click or in the action properties windows there are sometimes a tab thats says...
  14. PHaRTnONu

    if Date1 > Date2 question

    (couldnt edit, but if you have issue's you can make if case's so if you dont have dd you do d, or if you dont have the days at all remove the dd altogether, same for the month (if you only had the year) it would be yyyy in the "" ) i put like 5 if case scenarios in there but you get the jist...
  15. PHaRTnONu

    if Date1 > Date2 question

    I was able to get it eventually. So thank you var datestr = DateTime.ParseExact(project.Variables["ReleaseDate1"].Value, "MMMM dd, yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(datestr); int unix = (Int32)(date.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1...