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  1. O

    Free Hotmail Creator V4

    Great job, thank you.
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    "Delete line after take" problem

    Hehe, true. Thanks for your support anyway. :cool:
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    "Delete line after take" problem

    Well, I ended closing and reopening the poster and now it's working. :huh:
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    "Delete line after take" problem

    Yup. Works fine in project maker but not in poster.
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    "Delete line after take" problem

    Hello, When I check "Delete line after take" in the Project Maker it works fine when debugging but it doesn't seem to work when I load my project in the poster. The file remains unchanged.
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    Break / Decode MD5 Captcha.

    Thanks! PS : Beau boulot. ;)
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    Trouble with a specific textarea

    Hello there, I'm having trouble with a specific textarea and... it's the very textarea I'm typing in right now. :) Its class is "cke_source cke_enable_context_menu", same as the one in zennolab forums. In debug mode and blast mode there's is no error returned and the template executes...
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    Text captcha...

    Hello, I'm having trouble with a text question (not math). I'm successfully parsing the question with this regex : (?<=\s*<label for\=\"humanverify\"\>Random Question:\<\/label\>\r\n\s*<div class\=\"rightcol\"\>\r\n\s*<p class\=\"description\"\>).*(?=\<\/p\>) Now I don't know where to put the...
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    How to recognize text input with randomly generated ids/names?

    You, Sir, are my hero.
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    How to recognize text input with randomly generated ids/names?

    Hello, I'm having trouble with text fields having different ids and names. Example : name="dnn$ctr14549$NewsArticles$ucPostComment$txtEmail" id="dnn_ctr14549_NewsArticles_ucPostComment_txtEmail" The number after "ctr" changes depending on the website and I don't know how to tell ZP to...