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  1. M

    Forum Poster Template

    Great! Is there any video for the same?
  2. M

    Forum Poster Template

    Anybody using zenno poster for creating forum poster? like adding posts to an existing thread or creating a new thread in a forum?
  3. M

    How Do You Randomize Date of Birth Dropdown M/D/Y?

    I used the {-Random.Int-|-1901-|-1990-} code for the year but its not working for me?. Any idea why?
  4. M

    How Do You Randomize Date of Birth Dropdown M/D/Y?

    Where will I find the recognized steps?
  5. M

    Can't get Private Proxies to Work

    I have the same problem
  6. M

    Private proxy usage?

    I followed the same instructions but when I check it under Control it still says Total 4 proxies and Live proxies "0" .Why is that so? Edit: The Status Control Tab is in Green Color