FilePost - new file hosting released!



What do we offer to our partners? The highest payouts:

- pay-per-download program - up to 35USD per 1000 downloads from all countries!
- partnership program - we pay 60% of all sales and rebills inspired by your files;
- a program for site owners - up to 15% of the referred sales;
- a referral program - up to 25% of the referrals' revenue;
- special deals for super uploaders.

What features are available for our partners and users? Here they are:

- the highest download and upload speed values ensured by 10-GBit channels provided by the largest traffic providers;
- free users can upload files up to 2GB each, while premium users - up to 3GB each;
- fast remote upload options for everyone: advanced web, remote and FTP upload methods. Remote upload from about ten hostings is available now, and more are coming;
- inactive files of free users are stored for 30 days, while files of premium members have no expiration date;
- no limitations for a number of uploaded files and available disk space, as well as amount of downloads for free users;
- real-time advanced statistics of file downloads and sales (graphical presentation is available);
- safety and security of your data and information, copies of files are stored, all information is encrypted;
- the system that can easily deal with peak load moments plus the system balancing that ensures stable service speed at any time of a day.

Why to trust our company and FilePost service?

We must mention our team - a group of professional web-developers with more than 10 year experience. And we have put all our knowledge and experience into FilePost project. We have also hired the managers who used to work at popular file hosting services. As a result we clearly realize the future evolution way of FilePost, and from the very beginning we plan to avoid the mistakes and problems common for file hostings.


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