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  1. R

    Not another Twitter Question :)

    I don't think it's possible it's a flash based uploader, you can't fully automate it. What you can do is change the hex code though
  2. R

    Is file uploading through Flash based uploading possible?

    First of all guys thanks for the new software I love it, and about the bugs well look at windows how many updates they have released :). Ok enough with the a groupie love. In v3 we couldn't use the flash based uploading and some sites have only flash based one :(. But now v4 is here :). I've...
  3. R

    Pinterest - Upload Images?

    Rofl, note to self don't give advice after midnight. The template what i've given you is for uploading a profile picture. So here's the pin upload. Btw the window pops up where you can search for a file, WAIT! zenno will fill out automatically, give it like 3 seconds.
  4. R

    Pinterest - Upload Images?

    My bad something wasn't working with the 3rd step. Here's a screenshot of the right one
  5. R

    Twitter accounts [FOR FREE!!!]

    Hmm for some reason it kills zenno as soon as I add the template. Any ideas why? Btw I haven't added any proxys to it.
  6. R

    Pinterest - Upload Images?

    Ok so today I played around with Pinterest and managed to get it working: 1- I fetch the picture with this macro: Directory.RandomFile 2- Click the Upload button so the browse is reveled: Rise on click (group:1 attribute name:InnerText attribute value:Upload\ an\ Image searchtype:regexp...
  7. R

    Pinterest - Upload Images?

    I think you have missed what darkwiz was saying: in the action selection part you have "attribute value" and not "attribute name" and usually you have to wait a second or two for that popup to be filled out
  8. R

    Pinterest - Upload Images?

    I've never touched pinterest before, I've only used it on twitter. For twitter it works the following way: -Right click on the field -Set Value with the help of a macro: {-Directory.SubItem-|-C:\yoururl-|-f-|-true-|-12-} f means file true so the files are ordered alpabetically 12 the number of...
  9. R

    Problem creating template for blogger

    So I've played around a bit manually and found this, you have to fill out the title and address field, and then you will be able to click the create button. Also for extra randomness change the theme as well.
  10. R

    Thinking of buying when can get help with this question

    I've only used the visual part of zenno, My 2 cents, have you tried configuring IE? Cause in most cases you have to add certain sites to the trusted field and only after that you can click on stuff, this has happened to me with my twitter bot. Here's a bit of help, login to a gmail account...
  11. R

    The Big Zenno Wishlist - Please add your thoughts and wishes too

    29: Break point. Just like most programming languages you can execute them to a particular point. This would be helpful if you are testing big templates. And of course you can execute loops really fast.
  12. R

    Do you use text ZennoPoster manuals?

    I've voted the first one. But for me using them both and reading through other people's questions on this forum helped me to get a grip on this software. - Videos are great for people to learn how to make complex things and how to manage templates - Text is good to get into the neety greaty...
  13. R

    Problem creating template for blogger

    I would like to recommend you this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtjtCX9-Psk Select a random theme and try to click it then. Maybe I will have some time tomorrow and experiment.
  14. R

    Use proxy in debug mode

    In the zennoposter: -help wizzard -one source -file on disc And your done :)
  15. R

    Which is more efficient?

    3) Use a loop. Your code will be shorter. -Get number of strings from file -Init a counter -get counter value -If counter < number of stings -fetch string @counter (you can delete it or not i guess not) -increase counter - loop it back to the get counter value The benefits: it can be dynamic...
  16. R

    Regex String Replace Doesn't Work After a Certain Amount of Char?

    Hey thanks for the fast response, it seems it was a mutual learning experience, I didn't know that String.Replace can do that. Yeah I've tested it and it works fine with the latest method. BTW project.directory is great if you are adapting your template for multiple uses, and you can save a...
  17. R

    Regex String Replace Doesn't Work After a Certain Amount of Char?

    I was working with the string replace with regex and found an interesting bug. The template removes black listed urls from an original file (blk.txt) Everything works like a peach until the long urls show up, they can't be parsed out :( Plus the line which comes immediately after it...
  18. R

    The Big Zenno Wishlist - Please add your thoughts and wishes too

    28: Search And Highlight function in the project maker for branches. If you are working with a huge templates which are interlinked like a spiderweb it will be cool to have a function where I type in the branch ID and it highlights that element (with Green or something that is not currently...
  19. R

    Dynamic Random Inner Link Clicking

    Finally I got a solution for this, it ain't pretty, it ain't fast, it does the job. The steps: - Get DOM - Parse Urls and twice (cause i didn't know how to put together into one regex i made two) - Parse dom again for html links - Check the gotten links against a black list - Clean the file from...
  20. R

    How to delete empty lines from txt file ?

    So I used a dirty method to get rid of those lines. Read every line and compare, if it's empty then move to the next line, if not save it in a new text file
  21. R

    How to delete empty lines from txt file ?

    Something is odd with this, I don't think it's the code. In my case this is what's happening url1 url2 url3 url4 url5 When i parse it with regex the file looks like this in read mode (total commander) url1 url2 url3 url4 url5 In write mode is perfect, but...
  22. R

    Dynamic Random Inner Link Clicking

    Hmm kinda got stuck @ step 5. Rise on event, click, group: 1; attribute name: href; attribute value:???; seach type: regexp; match#: the random value which i got from prev steps. EDIT: made a rough simplified template, if i would have boobs I would bribe you with it, but any help is...
  23. R

    How to run another template within this template?

    I was thinking on this one as well. I wanted to set a random number from one template, and this number tells the second template how many times it should be executed (in the scheduling part). But the be thing to do is loop the whole thing, and manage the proxies in the template.
  24. R

    Not another Twitter Question :)

    Hmm I don't think java script is involved just tab browsing.
  25. R

    Dynamic Random Inner Link Clicking

    It would be the B alternative, as in actually registering the click, and only click on the link if that's present on the site. And looping the thing what i was thinking as well. As for filtering out RSS and 301's they are usually formatted either domain.com/feed or domain.com/rss and the...
  26. R

    Dynamic Random Inner Link Clicking

    Hey thanks for the response, i was out the weekend and didn't check the forum. The idea is good but I need to modify it a bit. goes on domain.com from domain.com i can go to -> domain.com/a.html;domain.com/b.html;domain.com/c.html randomly picks one (let's say b) from domain.com/b.html we can...
  27. R

    LF Zenno tutorials and help documents ~ extracting line from text file in ProjectMake

    I've done this and the information is like a scattered puzzle piece on the forum. Here are the steps, just add the macros: 1- Initiate Counter 2- Set path to file 3- Get number of strings from file 4- Get counter's value 5- if counter's value < number of strings 5.b- NO then pause / stop 6- yes...
  28. R

    Dynamic Random Inner Link Clicking

    Good title huh? :P My objective: Go on a website, click a random inner link, click a random inner link, ... N times. The problem: On each page there's a different number of inner links, this is why it needs to be dynamic. So far: Thanks to a previous thread in this group, i know how...
  29. R

    Not another Twitter Question :)

    Yeah I've thought about that as well, or there's that twitter suggestion Themeleon but i'm not sure that it's a good idea to give them almost full access to my accounts.
  30. R

    Not another Twitter Question :)

    Hey guys, I've been playing around with zenno for 2 weeks now and i think i got the hang of it at the macros level. So I started working on a twitter bot, it wasn't easy but slapping the monitor a couple of times helped me get through the though times :P. I got stuck when I was trying to...
  31. R

    Append to image path

    If I understand correctly this is the code you are looking for {-File.AppendString-|-\Results\YOURFILE.TXT-|-http://www.domain.com/insertyourparsedimagehere-|-true-}
  32. R


    Ok fixed it, its seems that I added the URL incorrectly or something, is there an issue with https://twitter.com and http://twitter.com?
  33. R


    Hmm interesting I got this error while doing debugging on a twitter bot. Any ideas how to fix? Or was it because i clicked the next button too frequently?