Результаты поиска

  1. J

    [WTB] File uploader- register,activate,login,upload, and repeat from start

    Hey i need file uploader (.torrent file extension), need that template do: 1.Change IP (proxy) 2.Register to site(easy form- username,email,password,captcha). 3.Activate account from email link(have ready yahoo accounts in form [email protected]:password, so no need registration). 4.Login to...
  2. J

    pics upload in row

    hey how do that pics upload in row? like if folder is "holidays" and fro it upload all pictures in row, not random, like take first and goes down till all uploaded. Know that random selection is {-Directory.RandomFile-|-{-Project.Directory-}holidays\-} but how do that be one by one. thanks :)