Недавний контент javier

  1. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I find one of regex that I need \D[A-Z].*\ ; result: 0; QZ J V G Q SE 1; S Z 8 Not perfect but now I have all letters in one list item. Now I need know how break this item and have: Q Z J V G Q S E
  2. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I try an try with your reg and I can't have the character that I need This is the text: Copia las letras de las posiciones 3, 4 y 5 QZJVGQ5EZ I try this regex for take only number: (?<=\d{1}).*(?=\d{1}) ; result: , 4 y 5 QZJVGQ For letters: (?<=\d{1}).*(?=[A-Z]{1}) ; result: , 4 y 5...
  3. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I try to use your regex but I don't find nothing to parse. I apreciate your help Paginator.
  4. J

    [SOLVED]  Acces denied to my private proxys only with zenno

    Hi, I have a list of squid private proxys. I am using this list of proxys since 1 month ago with my templates and no have problems. Today any template work because when template try to navigadte have error " acces denied" Seems my IP are not autorizated but I add proxy to explorer...
  5. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I change of ocr service and now have this alone string: Copia las letras de las posiciones 2, 3 y 4 ZXJTQJAUP I need do a regex to take numbers and put in a list: 0;2 1;3 2;4 and other for put in list last letters: 0;Z 1;X 2;J 3;T 4;Q 5;J 6;A 7;U 8;P I think this...
  6. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    I have problems with img captcha When I download using captchasaver.dll the OCR service can't open image if I download manually can open. If I try to open image with explorer can`t open too. With paint I can see image. Any idea
  7. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I use free ocr service, with captcha, and I convert captcha image to: Copia las letras de las posiciones 2, 4 g 6 B B Q Z X N P T T 123456789 Now I can take this line 2 and 3 and resolve captcha with word precesing. I go to work
  8. J

    How resolve this captcha?

    Hi, I don't know how I can resolve this captcha. When I send img to decaptcha service they send me all word. http://www.milanuncios.com/asda.php?n=404228
  9. J

    Save added task

  10. J

    Page Break

    I think in this, the problem is I have more than 50 diferents text only from this client. Thanks for your time
  11. J

    Save added task

    C:\Users\javi\AppData\Roaming\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster\4 I have two folders here: -ProjectMaker -ProxyChecker I no find Tasks.dat inside any folder
  12. J

    Page Break

    Sorry man I am here again I put all text in a table, perfect. I use take line or read cell and I see in log comand work good and take text with page breaks, perfect. The problem is when I try to put this varaiable in a text area to this site...
  13. J

    [SOLVED] Can't take .txt file

    Forget I am using but way to files, sorry.
  14. J

    [SOLVED]  Can't take .txt file

    Hi, I have few .txt files that template need , proxys.txt, titles.txt, etc.... When I try to get line or something to a titles and text .txt files have this error: Index was outside the bounds of the array. With the others files I no have problems. I don't know what happend I copy...
  15. J

    Save added task

    ok, but I read in other post a days ago I can save all task added. Is usefull if I need change server or for this situation. I no find post, sorry.