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  1. aranrond

    Antigate - how to report bad captcha?

    Thanks for help, I implemented it to my templates. When doing captcha recognition ZP automatically creates variable WrongCaptcha. The WrongCaptcha variable contains URL that can be used to report bad captcha...
  2. aranrond

    Antigate - how to report bad captcha?

    I found in http://antigate.com/?action=api that they offer option to report bad captcha report bad captcha result: http://antigate.com/res.php?key=your_account_key_here_32_bytes_long&action=reportbad&id=CAPCHA_ID_HERE How to report a bad captcha in Zennoposter MP?
  3. aranrond

    [BIG TIMESAVER!!!] Speed Up The Debug Process

    This feature will save a lot of time.
  4. aranrond

    Email link verification - the senuke way

    Usually after registration you have to click verification link to activate account. I know you can use Process mail -> Receive emails -> build regex to identify one message -> identify link -> click the link The problem is you need to build a template with this steps for every site you...
  5. aranrond

    How to run Zennoposter on VM, such as Xen?

    I'm using Zennoposter 4 on Vmware Player 5 and it works :)